Woah I didn't expect a god game in this jam!
Starts simple but things get hectic really fast. Also, I didn't understand some of the symbols of the "crimes" we're supposed to destroy with the punishment powers.
Suggestions for improvement:
- Add some beneficial powers instead of just sending out punishments over the world. For example, some events could be the growth of crops for feeding the population and reducing world hunger.
- Greenland should be smaller. You made it bigger than South America! XD
- Localized events, depending on the "biome". Same with the powers, maybe some could have a stronger power in certain regions. For example, storms are stronger in the tropical zone.
- Balance a bit the difficulty once multiple events start popping up at the same time. Make the game difficult but winnable. Since the powers have a cooldown time, you should adjust your event spawning rate accordingly.
- Powers could also be presented gradually as the game progresses, since there's no use for some of them at the start.