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Hi, I've played the game for a bit. It's a decent tactics rpg.

The mapping is good and the overall presentation is decent. The tilesets fit well as do the characters. I'm not sure about that music in the vampire city, I don't think that one fit well (or atleast the city should be less bright and cheery for it to fit), but other than that it's fine. I like how you made the shops work.

There were some typos here and there in the dialogue, but nothing major. The dialogue overall is mostly good and there are some great lines and good moments.

Story is where I have some criticisms. I don't think it really flows well. You start out with a pretty good, but pretty sudden cutscene where the city is under attack, you get into the first battle of the game (that you don't seem to get a tutorial for?) and then the game jumps to another point in time. And there's lots of talking and characters standing around a table talking. Way too much exposition at once. It's particularly jarring after that action-packed opening.

I think some of the dialogue at the start could use to be trimmed down somewhat. I don't think there needs to be that many lines about how much the characters consider the MC to be useless. Especially since you start with the cutscene that's just characters around a table talking about how the MC is useless, then you go to fetch the MC (and have a tutorial battle, after you already fought once) and then you go with the MC back to the meeting where the characters again talk about how the MC is useless, but now the MC is present. It feels too redundant.

The dialogues during the camp scene are nice, as is the camp scene itself and how the world map works. Definitely creative! About the only thing I'd suggest here is to maybe try to make the world map useable with a mouse, seems you can only select your destination using a keyboard.

Now, the cutscene where the city is under attack is pretty nice, but I think it needs either some more context or something more interesting at the start. When I watched it I felt like I accidentally skipped something important beforehand. There needs to be something that hooks the player in, but I think I was more confused than invested in the MCs plight. Still, the town on fire and the actual action during the cutscene, with the MC pushing enemies out of the way certainly gave it energy, good job on that one! I might have been confused and not really invested in the story, but I wasn't bored.

Also, I get that it's a theme that the MC considers himself and unworthy successor of his father and that other characters he travels with doubt him too, but I think there's way too much focus on how terrible he supposedly is at everything. Maybe there could be a scene where he shows off what he CAN do well before you even get to the vampire town. I mean, even with the things he is supposedly terrible at, it's mostly just people talking about how supposedly terrible he is. This isn't really shown, yeah, the MC gets KOd during the opening cutscene, but he also defeated a bunch monsters, so from what the game showed, he can't be THAT bad at it. It gets worse when it comes to gameplay, the other characters talk about how the MC can't even swing a sword properly, when during combat he most certainly can and is even quite good at it.

Having a scene where the player can see just how terrible he is at things would make it much better. It could even be like, the MC is somewhere training with a sword and failing while  there's dialogue from the characters at the meeting that is relevant to this situation. It would spice up the meeting a lot if you don't just stare at characters around a table the whole time.

I hope this doesn't come off as too critical, I definitely really did enjoy the game so far and see potential here. :) The game is decent as-is and very good for a game jam game :)


thanks for taking the time to comment on my game! This is my first time doing a game jam and I learned a lot about project management and decision making while working on this game. Honestly I was very ambitious going into this game, and had to cut out mechanics and story elements mid way to save time and so I kinda rushed to the finish line there and it shows. I am thankful though that the character interactions came through because it was the one thing I refused to cut down on since the bonds and stuff are what bring the theme into the game. So yeah, some of your criticisms I was expecting and some I wasn't! Very thorough and insightful. Thanks for your honesty. I would like to get better and this helps. 

I plan to participate in future jams and will probably explore the same world in future ones. I like the idea of building a series of stories here in different modes and forms to see what could be taken farther into a full game.


No problem, I hope my criticism will be useful to you! Just to comment on the combat system, it was good overall. Normally, I'm vary of tactics RPGs because if people balance the battles poorly they frequently take forever, but your game was pretty fast paced for a Tactics RPG and didn't really have that problem, so good job! About the only serious criticism would be that the stat boosts and stat debuffs felt kinda useless, since most things went down fast enough that they didn't make much difference. But otherwise, the battles were pretty good! Looking forward to what games you make in the future!

Btw, as another suggestion, it's a good idea to upload some screenshots of your game to your project page (you can do that when you Edit your project page), after that, go to the project page proper, click Edit Theme and there you can enable showing screenshots by selecting the option in Layout. A lot of people are looking at screenshots of the game first before they decide if they want to download it, games without any visible screenshots tend to be passed over more in my experience.