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Apparently, they went completely the other way with it. Apparently a new Mythic girl is now 30,000 copper coins??

But what makes me believe this is a mistake, is that a Refresh is now 5000 copper coins, up from 500?? That's cannot be right...


Just look at the store how many copper coins are given for buying 99.99 bucks - 30,000, and earlier 15,000 copper coins were given for it!


Spending $100 on any game, much less this one?

Yeah... no.


honestly the fact that you’re ridiculing the devs over every little thing when the game itself is one of the best out there is just….it has one of the best graphics and mechanics and you can suggest the feedbacks in a better way show some manners bruh 


To be fair, this is the only adult game that is good enough to play for more than a day or two, and most adult games are not worth a few minutes, and this game has come a very long way from its beginning, where the third event quest was something like, "get 250 epic girls." People are annoyed that the places where improvement could continue have been made worse.

How is anyone supposed to get a legendary card from the PM now? If an epic chest does not drop, then players are SOL, and will likely only make about 9000 Cu at the most. That can only get you one epic, one rare, and one common girl. The fact a mythic girl is 30,000 Cu requires players to complete all of the quests (which requires lucky drops from the tower early enough for the chests to open before PM ends) and then also unlock tons of chests in the tower for their copper, which means getting a mythic girl is practically impossible. The most ridiculous change is to the refresh button. The incentive to use it was already nonexistent due to it being 500 Cu. The fact they changed the price to 5,000 Cu shows that the developers seem to hear the advice we give them regarding PM, and act against it, which prompts ridicule from the players.

Deleted 2 years ago

YES! When you finish all 25 tasks in pussy market, the total coins amount you gain is about 26000. So the 30000 amount is VERY UNREASONABLE!!!

(1 edit)

28k but you have to grind other 2k. +keep in mind that you have to have Mythic box in slot to complete last quest, which is painful enough to find...

I get used to save epic/legendary/mythic box when I fight in tower. So when the pussy market start I usually have some of them.

yeah, I use the same tactic, but  thing is that Mythic box spawns is about once in 2 weeks (at least for me). 


I am gonna to give up this game, because it no more challenge the players but only players's Wallet!!!