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good job putting something out there, sucks to see that your keyboard failed you.

I think your input could use some work, it seems like if i start moving diagonally, i cant stop unless i stop moving.

I would take a look at Input.get_vector:

also, the level is really dark and its hard to see whats near me. I can see you're using a light2d to have a visibility effect. I think you should tweak that so you can see the parts near you brightly, but the parts far away are still dark.

Oh also, you only have a windows build. I am using linux, so I had to play your game using wine. Most of the time, this works fine, but sometimes, it can cause inconsistencies and visual bugs. Since this is a pretty lightweight 2d game, i would recommend a web build as well.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the compliment and i well check this website.

and sorry for you but i didn't make a linux version >_>