presses reverse on my adam sandler click remote to give you back the time you lost
Alara Bread
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i wish we had that idea! we were arguing about how to differentiate the enemies in a way that didn't exclude colorblind people. we decided on the differently colored bases with the players having a much lighter color (since colorblind people can still see values), but yeah, we could have definetly made it more obvious.
love the music!
i thought i would mind the fact that my collider is a sphere, but surprisingly i didnt
i do think my player has too much mass/inertia. very difficult to turn around.
some air control would help with the feeling too, even if it isnt too realistic.
also, the camera makes this a lot harder to play. camera programming is really difficult, so i wont be too harsh. some of the levels wouldnt work well with a fixed camera. imo the best decision would have been to use a standard 3rd person camera.
also this is important: you say you recommend a windows build, but i dont use windows, i use linux. if theres an important upgrade with a downloaded build, you should really be providing that on windows, mac, and linux.
very popular idea.
the feeling could be improved in my opinion by speeding up the dice rolling animation to make it more snappy. I would also look into easing modes to make it feel even better.
as far as puzzle design, i think you could do better. in all cases i encountered, i had plenty of space to maneuver the die however i wanted. for this to be an effective puzzle, i can't be able to move that freely. also, the level with two dice didnt seem to utilize the concept at all. i was always only moving one die at a time. if you want to make a puzzle where i move one die at a time, just make two seperate levels each with one die.
also, the camera is angled very low. this makes it pretty hard to see whats going on.
love the graphics and audio!
the gameplay could use a bit of work. i think it would work a lot better if you designed each section around a specific sequence of dice rolls and then guaranteed those dice rolls every time. as it is, it feels very random (i guess thats the point).
i am definetly not good enough at platformers to beat this.
pretty cool idea.
i think the physics is a bit weird though. i think a bit of inertia in your character controller would help a lot with the feeling. you probably know this, but way it tends to get stuck on edges. maybe experiment with disabling collision between the player and enemies since that caused some problems. i also think you could tweak the hitboxes a bit (i appear to run off the floor in some places).
also, i think the bullets bounce a little bit weirdly. it looks like you are just multiplying the velocity by -1 when i would expect the velocity to get reflected using the surface normal. I don't use unity but i think this might help, if thats the effect you're going for:
as far as tweaking, i think the player's bullets could move faster.
interesting variation on the infinite runner genre.
some constructive criticisms:
the jump is really floaty. i would increase the gravity a bunch.
also, variable jump height would add a lot to a game like this. it can be pretty hard to implement, but a system i like is to apply a downward force when you release jump based on how long you help jump for.
enemies also move really fast for me. maybe slow them down a bit at the start.
also, the roll button doesn't need to be in the game. i would make it automatically roll when you finish your bullets. right now, its just another thing to worry about.
i think if you want the player to be able to move left and right, you need to make it meaningful. i think right now, the only reason you would move left and right is to account for how floaty the jump is. theres two paths you could take: you could lock the player in place like an infinite runner, or you could add some other mechanic that incentivizes the player to move.
good job on releasing something, its not as easy as most people think!
controls could use some work. also, the dice only seem to have their effect once? like if i roll a 5, i can only triple jump once, then i have to roll another 5 if i wanna do it again. i feel like it would be better if you could do it as many times as you want. also, rolling the dice again and again feels unnecessary. i would make it so that each time you "roll" you increase the die by one until it rolls over. that would decrease the amount of luck involved. anyways, good job on finishing a game in time. its not easy!