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It's about time money grew on trees.

A good start and very cool concept - I'm sure you have plans for ingame time to progress which would make the player's actions affect the world, and I bet the innocent can become murderers, so giving them full everything would come back to bite the player, and the innocent they murder? :o

Hope you keep developing this! :)


"It's about time money grew on trees." Obviously :D 

I did have plans about the world changing how it looks over time but never got to do that. Like the trees and earth becoming barren depending on the number of murderers. I didn't really think of making the murderers and innocent not a permanent thing but rather depending on the circumstances or whatever but I think it is a good idea to ponder. I thought also about making the increase and decrease of abundance have an effect on the people for example when a murderer has more money they would do more evil things. 

I feel the idea has a lot of potential expansions that I hope to get to one day. Right now I'm focusing on making a reasonable ending so I don't leave it like that :)

Thanks for your kind words and for sharing your ideas :)