It was the windows version - sorry for the late reply
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Ah I think I just figured it out - I had a controller connected while playing on keyboard - disconnecting the controller stopped me from losing control when possessing the enemy on the right (for some reason)
I was also just jumping into the pit, but you're supposed to un-possess while in mid-air, huh?
Seems to work now, so I'll play and rate finally haha
Sure, so I possess the left enemy, chop the one on the right who runs over, then I jump in the pit but instead of spawning the spirit like you suggest would happen, it just resets the scene immediately. If I possess the enemy on the right, I simply lose controls and have to alt-F4. If I possess the left enemy and then kill the right enemy and then un-possess, the scene resets once the spirit hits the floor or a wall. Very strange if I'm the only one with this problem haha
It's about time money grew on trees.
A good start and very cool concept - I'm sure you have plans for ingame time to progress which would make the player's actions affect the world, and I bet the innocent can become murderers, so giving them full everything would come back to bite the player, and the innocent they murder? :o
Hope you keep developing this! :)
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not but if I try to possess the rightmost enemy, I don't gain control and the spirit stops spawning, and if I possess the leftmost enemy, I can kill the other enemy and the one I have control over, but I can't see how to remove the green barrier?
Ok figured it out - Fun game with a good mechanic! Hope you continue to build it up :)
Nice work on the narrative, it's always good to see someone work on story since most of us forget to haha. I thought it played well but an idea for future might be to start the game paused and let the player pick their own spawn location before unpausing, then after they die, repeat that loop? Longer lifespan, or varying lifespan for each spawn location would open up a lot of puzzle possibility for you too :) Good work!
VERY addictive - stuck through it till I completed each grave despite feeling like some of the number requirements were cruelly high haha. The dice sound works perfectly in a very satisfying way. I think there's an interesting inherit problem with the game though where rolling a die 6 times and still not getting what you needed feels frustrating. If it's currently truly random, there might be an argument to be made for fudging the chances a little bit in the player's favour ;) Well done though!
Haha, Freelancer was my main inspiration so thank you, it's a travesty that there isn't even a gog version!
I tried re-creating your bug by flying off to the planet and turning around but they were still there so I'm not sure what could have happened. The camera far clip is set to 6k I think, so that's a mystery to me!
I did plan to have hit feedback on enemies and the player but just ran out of time. Thanks again!