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Good job on adding the casual mode. Much more fun this way.

Crashing isn't too punishing, and I like that.

However, I don't think this fits the theme, unless I'm missing something.

Also, I couldn't find the last germ and rage quitted. XD

I would recommend adding some type of indicator of how close you are to the closest cell.

Other than that, an enjoyable experience.


Thank you for your feedback.

I added casual mode because I got feedback from jugule.  He got to the point that hard to-control game is not fun.

You are also right about the gameplay at the end. I definitely will take your advice.

About themes, I predicted that most of the entry will be platformer. So, I decided to not use gravity and ground to make my game a difference. It turned out it felt like not fit the theme as you mentioned though.

I was thinking the same, but sometimes it's hard to escape the obvious and it turned out that there is not too much platformers submitted after all ;-)