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Clean CellView game page

Work as a whiteblood cell and clean up all germs. Submit for Score Space Jam #19.
Submitted by GunArcher — 11 hours, 1 minute before the deadline
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Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Submitted (1 edit)

Cool game but it doesn't fit the jam theme at all


The controls were quite interesting to learn. Also, great music.


Thank you for playing. Music has had a huge role in this game.


Didn't make it till end bit it's interesting and very challenging ;]

You could add a few levels with increasing difficulty but still a cool game!


Thank you for your feedback. I also felt it took too long to finish and lacks some level design aspect as you mentioned.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This was really cool!! A little disorienting at times and after hitting something and respawning it was really hard to find my way back. I didn't get to complete it, I got down to the last 1 or 2 germs to eliminate and spent 3.5 mins trying to find it before giving up...Maybe add an ! or arrow above the last 5 germs or something that can be seen regardless of the object's depth/location. 

Really cool concept and such a trippy experience. The music is killer and fits well, so do the sound effects. The polish on this game is really great. You've created something special! Well done!


Thank you for your feedback and for playing. The last part of the gameplay really needs to change.

I also think this game is very bad if you play it for a long time. I might consider reducing play time.


Agreed, it gets pretty disorienting after a while, it's honestly a visual marvel, but luckily I don't have a problem with motion sickness. PLEASE don't make it a VR game lol or maybe do?! Could break the internet for a while :D 


The sound is great but to kill all cells is very Hard, should be a way to show the cells missing


Thank you for your feedback. I get your point about the last part of the gameplay.


This was interesting, haven't seen something similar to this, truly a unique experience,  fantastic game!


Thank you for playing. It's hard to find someone who finishes this game, really.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

A fun game, an interesting game, a very cool idea, and cool graphics, but I think I'm about to throw up! :)


Thank you for playing. This game control really gives people a hard time. :)


A fun game. It was really satisfying once you get the hang of the controls and can float around in 3d.


Thank you for playing. The control is a little bit harder than I expected though.


Really like the how the light beam looks :> kinda difficult to find the last piece of germ tho @_@


Thank you for playing. The beam is an asset that I got from a bundle. It is really well optimized and easy to use.

About the last part of gameplay is really need a change as your mention.


Interesting gameplay)) thanks for the game. My vestibular apparatus is in shock)


Thank you for playing. This game control sure gives everybody a hard time.


Regardless, it turned out great!


I like this controls that let you move your character in every direction possible. Overall game is looking polished enough, but its not fitting the theme as well. Actually you got to avoid those white cubes, so its not that bad.


Thank you for your feedback.

To be honest, I shot myself in the foot with this free form control. When you have no limit in control, obstacles are meaningless.

Also, in addition to shooting mechanics, make it easier to just stop and shoot instead of moving.

That's why no one felt any Parkour vibe in my game.


Good job on adding the casual mode. Much more fun this way.

Crashing isn't too punishing, and I like that.

However, I don't think this fits the theme, unless I'm missing something.

Also, I couldn't find the last germ and rage quitted. XD

I would recommend adding some type of indicator of how close you are to the closest cell.

Other than that, an enjoyable experience.


Thank you for your feedback.

I added casual mode because I got feedback from jugule.  He got to the point that hard to-control game is not fun.

You are also right about the gameplay at the end. I definitely will take your advice.

About themes, I predicted that most of the entry will be platformer. So, I decided to not use gravity and ground to make my game a difference. It turned out it felt like not fit the theme as you mentioned though.


I was thinking the same, but sometimes it's hard to escape the obvious and it turned out that there is not too much platformers submitted after all ;-)


I like the vibes, the music reminds me of persona and the visuals are really striking.


I also think this music is carrying out the gameplay. My game is less enjoyable without it.


Damn this game is trippy (in a good way)! I love it. It does not fit the theme thou (the theme is kinda trash to be honest, "parkour" is waaay to specific).


You are right, this game didn't not fit the theme. I tried to avoid using gravity and ground which is the main elements of parkour to make my game standout but it feel more like it out of the theme instead.


controls are extremely hard and u get extra dizzy if your cursor went too far from the center


Thank you for feedback. It very hard for me too.
Actually, I choose this aircraft like control  because I want to shift player focus to maneuvering more than aiming.

I'll consider add a normal control as an option.