I love all the incest in this game, and i know the fact it's not the player character and his family member that is likely allowing you to keep Pateron income, but I'd love for an aunt or cousin of MC to turn up and get added to the harem.
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I think I love you haha
But in all seriousness, that's fantastic to hear. Take your time with Almost Dead, that's still amazing. Also, in your incest game, the more family members you can fuck the better :D I only said Aunt and cosuin because the MC in this game have no living immediate family, so Aunt and Cousin would be the only real options.
My dude, my guy, I'm a huge fan of full incest games where you can get your full blooded mom and sisters pregnant (and other female relatives too), or fuck and creampie them at least even if pregnancy isn't in the game yet or at all. Family Venture and Tales From The Unending Void are two really good examples.
But yea, I'm in favour of creampies for mom sisters aunts cousins, and grandmothers depending on the various character ages. Grandmas House is a good game for that.
Step family incest isn't terrible, but it's not great. It always feels like the game has been censored. Which to be fair is sometimes the actual case. But that can be typically fixed with official patches that restore content by changing the script of what what the player reads and what the characters all say etc. Grandmas House is again a good example of that.
Depth's Revival has a patch/mod that changes the script and adds in incest scenes that had to be cut because they couldn't be changed from family without changing the story completely.
The worst thing you could do is go down the Landlady and Housemate route, where your mom is your "landlandy" and your sisters are your "housemates". It's painful to play and read and just annoys everyone. Everyone knows it's a censored incest game. Stories that use this "workaround" make no sense because they're typically obviously written first with full incest then changed after, making everything weird. There's no taboo about wanting to fuck your hot landlady or housemates. Why are you do loyal to your landlady and housemates? So much stuff is just stupid.
But I've ranted enough for one comment haha.
My point is, if you can and are willing to, I'd be delighted to play a game by you where you get to fuck and cum in all your female relatives, and any other characters you have in the story. And ideally get them pregnant as some point. Oh, I say all, but I personally don't enjoy playing games where you're the father and you go after your daughters.
The math will be adjusted to 4 years because ("A person must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia"). So at 16 Julie would be banging her 12(girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11) year old half sister.
And why are you doing math while reading this VN?
LOL! In my defense it took 5 or 6 playthroughs for me to notice it.
Mustard, I could sit here and criticise the unreal things about your game but the truth of the matter is this: I keep coming back to play it again and again because it's a story and not a game. It's become a favorite book to re-read on a regular basis. The fact that asians and redheads push my buttons helps a lot, too!
Thanks and eagerly looking forward to the next chapter!
I can't even count the number of times I have played this, and I never noticed it.
I have used my literary/artistic license on more than a few occasions, but hey, this VN in not about reality.
Thank you.
I did just last week hit the halfway point for making the images at 372++ so I'm on the downwards slope to finishing this chapter which will be the biggest chapter (for images and text) so far. Maybe another 3 months and I will release the new chapter!