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I just did the math on Julie and Lucy.  According to Julie's story, they're 7 or 8 years apart.  So at 16, Julie was banging her 8 year old half sister.  Pedo-incest!

The math will be adjusted to 4 years because ("A person must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia"). So at 16 Julie would be banging her 12(girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11) year old half sister.

And why are you doing math while reading this VN?

LOL!  In my defense it took 5 or 6 playthroughs for me to notice it.

Mustard, I could sit here and criticise the unreal things about your game but the truth of the matter is this:  I keep coming back to play it again and again because it's a story and not a game.  It's become a favorite book to re-read on a regular basis.  The fact that asians and redheads push my buttons helps a lot, too! 

Thanks and eagerly looking forward to the next chapter!

I can't even count the number of times I have played this, and I never noticed it. 

I have used my literary/artistic license on more than a few occasions, but hey, this VN in not about reality.

Thank you.

I did just last week hit the halfway point for making the images at 372++  so I'm on the downwards slope to finishing this chapter which will be the biggest chapter (for images and text) so far. Maybe another 3 months and I will release the new chapter!