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(2 edits)

hey so im having  the same problem that i talked about before but i thought it was fixed but its not apparently so  what happens is if you kill you enemy with "Risky Kick" you still need to discard cards at the end of the battle now i had this that i worked like normal then it stoped i even diabled all my plugins to see if that worked but it still the same problem (sry if my english isnt so good) ps im using mv version

Hey, thanks for reporting this in!  It seems this bug is coming from our plugin itself. Card Game Combat does not currently check if the battle has ended before it processes Discarding and Removing cards. We can patch this bug for the upcoming Version 1.2 update and let you know when that comes out (should be out next week).

Also your English is fine. Let us know if you run into any other issues :)

okay thx :)

Just wanted to let you know that we released v1.2.2 which addressed this issue! Please let us know if there are any other issues


hey thx for letting me know :) i switched over to rmmz right now and haven't tested the combat out yet but it seems fine keep up the good work