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This is a fun game, nice job!  It looks great, and it's a really nice combination of 'action' and puzzle.  The movement that takes place in the shadows was really well executed.  I thought the flashlight mechanism worked really well in the space you created, and the lighting and game design work together to create a nice sense of suspense. I also like the character animation and the character movement runs well. 

It took me a few plays to figure out what was happening in the game and what the objective was -- e.g.,  I clicked one bullet on my first game, thinking maybe this was just a stylized way of selecting "level 1," and it also took a few plays to realize there was a memory aspect.  That might be by design, but I figured it could be helpful feedback.

Great game!

Thank you!

I figured the bullet selection might be unclear at first, but hoped that no matter which the player selected, it would work out ok.

I appreciate the feedback on gameplay/intro learning curve, perhaps having an extra section with hints/tips would've been helpful. It wasn't exactly "by design", but I did want to leave some mystery (after all, the scariest monster is one you don't understand). Hopefully the game is interesting enough to keep people playing for a few rounds so they figure these things out :)