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So I have tried this app multiple times (lite) but whenever I make a certain amount of progress on my game and I go to open it up in the editor, the files will get corrupted and it will just kick me out of the editor due to some fatal error. I have no spaces or numbers for names of weapons walls floors, etc, yet it still does the thing, is there any solution, does anybody else have these problems? How do I fix it? I really wanna use this to make games instead of Raycasting Game Maker!

there is a file, Error.log, in your EFPSE installation. paste the contents of that into your bug reports and maybe we can help figure out what happened

I already deleted it, I was gonna retry when the new update came out. 

it will probably be a while before the next update.

i am not the most knowledgeable of those here, but i check back in several times a day and i have a few months of experience with this engine. if you can post error log next time it happens i can possibly help solve it.

did you manually edit any dat files? or change the name of any image file? these errors are usually the result of efpse not being able to find something because it's not there anymore. there are some methods for manually debugging that i can share.

dont give up. it can be very frustrating trying to figure out the intricacies of the engine but some very good games have already been made using it in it's current state.

I did not change texture names or dat files. I know about the great games made with this engine, and I want to move on from Raycasting game maker, which is very basic and limited.

Never had problems that serious. Your only option is, making a backup every time you finished working on the game. And post the log next time it happens.
