This game really took me by surprise the minute I died. I couldn't stop laughing lol This game is amazing, truly everything is really well put together and polish is great. The art direction and game design is amazing, the fact you have this much variety in one week is beyond incredible. Great work!
I played this solo, so when I got to level 20 it just wasn't possible for me to continue unfortunately. But proud I got that far on my own lol
There were a few instances where I died when I thought I landed on something correctly, so I think the hit boxes could do with some tweaking. And my suggestion would definitely be to add a level restart button. I think it was level 16 that was frustrating for me as the rhinos would combo you after death, so one fail and I knew I couldn't win. So I just had to wait out the timer every time which got tedious (and trying to do that stage playing both players took MAAANY attempts lol).