Damn! What a score! :O I bet the waves got pretty mental by then lol
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I really get into this, I couldn't stop playing haha! Truly a Dark souls experience ;) Jokes aside this is really good actually. I love the simplicity of it and it's really fun. I love the mechanic that you only get one bullet and the enemies build up over time. Also shooting the laser to clear out the blue skulls is pretty clever and really fun to try and get the perfect shot to take out a few at a time.
I would love to see this expanded and add bosses and what not. You have a really nice game here and the visuals are cool too!
I couldn't hear any sounds though?
This game is pretty awesome. I really like the art stye actually, and the music really fits it well. There a lot to love here, and you've put together a really interesting game. I love the little changes that happen during boss battles like the screen getting smaller. Such a unique game for sure.
I will say that it was a lot of information thrown at me and I found it difficult to understand what was happening. Like it changed my bullet color or even limited some colors from time to time and I wasn't exactly sure why.
But anyway, overall this game is amazing! Good job :)
I love the controls of this, it feels really good to play! The character is pretty cool too. In fact all the visuals are pretty aweome. Great job!
It is a little punshing though. It might have been better with some lives or a health bar rather than instant death. Also, and this is just my suggestion, but maybe map the rope to right mouse click and dash to left click? That way I can just keep my fingers on the movement buttons since I have to move so precisely.
Anyway, fun game dude. good job! :)
I completely agree with you! It was one thing I wanted to add just to give it more polish, like a short animation and text showing up saying "Good job!" or something. It definitely needs that as it's a little clunky trying to rush back to mouse in time, especially if you reload while a bullet is on it's way towards you.
I'm glad you liked it though. Thank you for playing and for your feedback :)
Thank you for the kind words, I'm so happy you liked it :) You're right in that it needed more to keep it engaging. Time was the cause for that unfortunately. I had a ton of ideas that I wanted to add but just didn't get round to in the end. I'm glad you still enjoyed it despite those missing features though :)
Good for you for making it to Wave 20 though, I tried but couldn't haha. The only thing that wave allows is for up to 3 X enemies at once, and also "extreme" type words that are around 10-12 letters long.
This game is amazing, goes to show you truly can make an amazing experience with just a cube. The visuals are so good, the gameplay is solid, the music is awesome. I loved everything about this game!
I wanted to complete it 100% because I was so hooked but unfortunately I couldn't. I got stuck on the third or fourth level (can't remember which) because I always ran out of time. Despite the fact I found an amazing strat to get through it so fast, I still ran out of time... I have no idea how to beat that level because I couldn't possibly go any faster haha.
Anyway, amazing game! Good job :)
This game is amazing. I love how the bullets matched with the song. It was really well put together I thought. The controls are awesome and the visuals are amazing. I didn't realise at first but I love the way the health is displayed via the background numbers, such a cool idea. The only problem I had was when the song changed to the second part. I loved the shift and the dodge mechanic where you had to move on that grid was great, although I wasn't given enough time to understand what was happening before the bullets came at me, so it was a little punishing. Other than that, amazing game :)
The tutorial seems broken though.. But it's a game jam so that can't be helped.
You made it to 20!? Oh damn, good job haha! Yea, when you press r after death it restarts, but in hindsight I should have disabled that button input for a few seconds to avoid players accidentally immediately restarting. I believe you though don’t worry haha!
Im glad you like it :) thanks for playing. The sounds are definitely too loud. Thank you for the feedback.
This game is really cool and unique. I love the idea of web slinging to other branches and shooting, such a cool idea. The art style is simple but works really nicely. I think I would have preferred it without the stamina though. I find it a little to difficult to dodge anything because stamina ran out too quick. I would have loved to just shot and swing to multiple branches to dodge faster moving bullets (but that's just me). But anyway, great game dude :)
Thanks dude :) That was my intention but I ran out of time. After every so many waves you were suppose to choose a "limitation," such as less time to reload, more enemies, easy words get removed, less damage etc. But alas, I didn't have enough time. At wave 20 however it does use a new pack of "extreme" words that are like 10-12 letters long. But not even I can make it to that wave haha!
I'm glad you enjoyed it though. Thanks for playing :)
This game is awesome! I love the way everything moves in time with the music. The mechanic around parrying and unlocking new types of bullets is such a cool and unique idea. The art style is dope too, this game really impressed me.
Only small suggestion I would make it have some sort of bar or something above the player or on the side of the screen to demonstrate cooldowns. For example the blue bullets had a long cooldown and it would have been nice to know when I could shoot.
Anyway, overall amazing game!
WOW! Astonishing game, really well game. Everything in this game is really well put together and its so fun to play. I love the mechanic of the stage getting smaller, really nice use of the theme. The visuals especially are really cool, you should be proud.
One suggestion would be to disable the ability for players to pick an upgrade for a second or something when it first appears or have a small animation as the menu shows up. I accidently clicked an upgrade not knowing it was gonna show up because I was clicking the fire button so much haha! Minor thing though. Overall, excellent game!
Woo I'm on your leaderboard now! I got so into it I started speed running levels pretty much lol This game is amazing. I remember seeing some videos on discord of earlier iterations, but now suddenly everything has amazing characters and art. Really impressive! The game is extremely fun, has ton of polish and is put together extremely well. One of favourites so far for sure! Great work!
Wow such cool art! The moving background in the downloaded version is much better than the web one for sure. The control style is really unique and pretty fun (albeit really difficult haha). It lacks some feedback though as I wasn't really sure of when I got hit or how many lives I had left etc. Pretty cool game though, well done :)
The visuals in this game are amazing. I love the dash move, but unfortunately I couldn't get far because it's very punishing. The bullets come too quickly after spawning and I just have no time to react... maybe I'm just bad haha
The controls feel nice though. Which some adjustments this could be awesome! :)
Omg the music every time I returned to the upgrade room made me soooo happy haha! This game is amazing lol The movement controls are my favourite part, it feels really intuitive. This game is really well made and the upgrades are awesome. My only gripe is waiting around for bullets to come back is a little tedious. Perhaps it would be interesting if some spawning randomly in the arena, that would incentivize me to move around more and collect them (whilst dodging incoming bullets).
Anyway great game. Good job :)
"Raven... Nara..." lol I heard those two words after almost every level haha
Damn what can I say. Probably the best game I've played so far, this game is incredible. I absolutely LOVE the way you artificially build the difficulty throughout the play through. It's genius! Everything about this game is great. Honestly amazing :)