So, the following observations are based on my tastes, and are not bug related:
1. The way the dialogue in this mod reads out, it's like every girls says the exact same thing every single time. This seems unrealistic. I recommend you add some kinda of random variance to all dialogue to alleviate this matter.
2. This mod adds something like 4 new potions and 5 new essences. Too much! It clogs up the UI lists and confuses the player when they try to figure out what each new thing does.
3. Pregnancy time is too low. I'm not sure how, but I got 8 day pregnancies with this mod at one point. This seems kinda over the top. Now, the base game has 30 day pregnancies. which is also unrealistic. My mod increases it to 45 days... also unrealistic. [Realistic being 40 weeks, or 280 days]. I would recommend something like 20 days, at the most, for a faster preg time.