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Strive for Power

Fantasy Slave Management/RPG Erotic Game · By Strive4Power

AricsExpansion (Formerly Breeding and Farming Expansion)

A topic by AricTriton created Nov 20, 2018 Views: 57,594 Replies: 125
Viewing posts 1 to 43
(11 edits) (+1)

****4/27/19 Update: Maverik has given me permission to upload the game version that the posted version of the mod is current with for those who are wanting to play with this mod until it is updated to the latest game version. Please see the link below for the old Strive version compatible with the mod. Please note that the mod hasn't been preloaded into this and you will still need to download the mod separately (to avoid making the Mega download even bigger if one or the other isn't needed)****

***4/10/19 Update: I know that the mod is a few versions back at this point. I still have a few large changes in the works to provide a more flexible dialogue system and a few other modifications I think will be pretty cool. However, as Maverik has said that he's going to probably be finishing up with Strive and ending support relatively soon, and that he's switching it to the new Godot version, I don't want to sink a ton of time into getting the mod functional on this version only to have the new one come out the next day or two and possibly require a complete overhaul of my mod. When the game is updated to the latest Godot version and/or Maverik declares it mostly done, I will release the next intended version of the mod with the bigger changes. For now, I will try to just update the existing version to the current game version while not messing with any of the other systems that I've been working on. I will try to release that in the next week or so.*** 

This began as just an expansion to the Breeding/Pregnancy and Farming system but has evolved to try and enhance several aspects of gameplay. This is not intended as a "Cheat" mod, and I will try to balance systems as best I can. 

I am a relatively new modder with gdscript, so just tell me if you encounter an error or have an idea for a way to do something better. Always willing to take advise or feedback, and should be around on the Discord.


Version 0.5.5

(v5.22: Updated)

This is my "half" version mod. This isn't where I was wanting it for the next release, but I went ahead and updated it to Game Version v5.22 and figured people can see the changes I've made so far. This is a pure playtest version, this has NOT been bug tested or had more than 3-4 days tested out so far. Please let me know any bugs you do find, but back up your saves and understand that while I try to release as bug-free as possible, this is pure playtest so people can use the mod on version 5.22 and try out new features.

By popular request, we have IN-GAME PREGNANCY DURATION CHANGES. Recoded all of the pregnancy duration checks to go purely off variables and you can now choose a variety of options in game. Just talk to your Headgirl and you'll be good to go.

Specific Options: (1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 45 days, 2 months, and 9 months)

Note: Dialogue is NOT where it is supposed to be and it is unfinished. Fair warning. It is about on par with the last release (with the addition of variable $master names, meaning that they will call you a different name  besides only "Master" depending on their age, race, relation to you, loyalty, etc. There will be more options too, but it's a nice sampling of each now).  You should call me ____ and Call me whatever you'd like are the manual rename option, and it does work still (with the addition of reverting to the normal variation). Several buttons options (Kegels, Lets Clean You up, etc) aren't finished yet and should just be ignored for now. The "Cumpuddle" storyline is just kind of a little side story that is going to be redone, but the puddle stories are in there if ya wanna see them. Pregnancy talk is closest to done, but its not finished completely.  It essentially has conversation stages with your initial question, her variable response, and your response to that with indifferent, kind, cruel, and degrading personality choices.

The Alchemist and his/her assistant have arrived! Two new mansion jobs (accommodating 1 person each) with a slight risk but the reward of (currently) free potions! (They will have a cost on the next released version) It is clearly stated ingame, but to restate it here: The assistant does nothing on his own. He is there to help the Alchemist not blow up the mansion. They do gain XP when they don't (and can when they do).

Final Followup Note: The additional file is the only "replace this" patch I found. One of the bugs from 5.21 in daily events would still break your game if it came up, so that replacement patch is in there. As before, it replaces the now missing "wimborn races" with the general race array.  It'll save your game, but ya might see races you didn't expect in a couple places. Use at your own discretion.!y6R2iSJa!64AZvWFhe9VRIbfmMHS3cBtJzUE0fBGkLYCTwXk2RFM

Below is a downloadable copy of the full Strive game (version 5.22b). This is the older Strive version that is compatible with the mod, and does have some bugs and glitches that have been worked out in the current game version. This has been posted with Maverik's permission and is a temporary measure until I can get the mod updated to the current game version. Please enjoy!!HuZiHKgK!-TILnMOzFT_AdNK4Ro6Ca_zaDErAyMYgUDHA2ad0yro


Version 0.5

(v5.21: See Log Below)

There is an additional folder in the mod. There are a couple of game-breaking errors (faulty calls) in the current game version that have nothing to do with my code, but have been fixed in that file. Just copy/paste over your backup and current game files (after making a copy of your backup files somewhere else if you want to be safe). These files are not mod-specific and will fix the couple issues whether or not the mod is installed.

There should be an update coming shortly after this with the next series of major changes, but this is the current playable version (I did about a week on a current savefile testing all jobs/buildings/traits and a couple days on a new game). Let me know if there are any bugs you encounter (hey, we all play differently) and I'll get 'em fixed next time. If you have a console, the listed error is helpful, if not, try to  let me know as much as you can about what happened (races/traits/jobs/etc).

  • Renamed project to Aric's Expansion to clarify that it will not just affect the Breeding and Farming aspects for compatibility.
  • Pussies and assholes are now tracked by size like dicks and breasts. This is compatible on existing savegames and should automatically update everyone on the next end of day.
  • Cum is now tracked in 4 locations: Face, Body, Pussy, and Assholes
  • New Jobs: Breeder and Breeding Livestock are new Mansion jobs. They give no XP, Mana, or Gold, but any Livestock have a chance to be bred by any Breeders daily, offering an automated option to have your slaves breed for traits daily. It isn't purely random, and Breeders will prefer beautiful, non-pregnant slaves who haven't recently been fucked but will make exceptions until they have options. Trait breeding, here we come!
  • In line with the above option, there is a dialogue prompt under talk to convince any males/futa to breed for you without fucking them first. They have to like/fear/obey you pretty well first still, but now you don't have to waste interactions on dudes to have them to fuck your slaves.
  • Dialogue has been somewhat expanded, but it is about to experience a major overhaul. Biggest changes are Pregnancy currently, but is revamped (I'd rather options be a "once per day" for pregnancy like in the others but it isn't triggering right yet, but new system should fix it).
  • Slave's nudity is now tracked. You will notice that you won't see genitals/piercings automatically anymore, but will if you talk to them and tell them to strip or they have the "stay nude" rule checked in Advanced Brand. They will redress at the end of the day if they aren't forced to stay nude. -Note: Existing save games will update nudity after the next end of day. You'll have to select "Strip/Redress" in talk until nudity rules come into effect after the next game day.
  • Hen's (layers) in the farm now have a chance of producing placenta (for Puberty Potions) instead of Milk to maintain a variety. They may also produce other options (watch and find out).
  • Several other little changes/bug fixes from the last version (Brother/Sister dialogue swapped, final Farm Treatment causing End of Day skip, etc)
  • Final Note: A lot of extra dialogue and story have been added to the End of Day log. This obviously does mean that it is bigger than before, but I have tried sprucing it up some with colors (Pink for pregnancy events for example). There are probably dialogue errors in there, whether spelling or grammar. If ya notice it, please be kind and let me know. It's just me writing/coding/spellchecking/etc and I haven't been doing this nearly as long as someone like Maverik, and I could use the extra eyes. Thanks!
Fixed the Name and reuploaded, this is the correct 0.5 version!bupWmShD!Q9A2i3SBagpUXDWoy7rrTGAa44S96da4ld_U_zSaqIw


Version 0.3

(v5.21: Updated to new Game Version)

Newly added game systems seem to work and nothing seems to explode when it's used, but haven't gotten to fully test/play with it yet. Should be playable, just back up saves (as always). I'm leaving up the previous version in case anyone on v5.20 wants to mess with it.!yi5TTYxA!_gZJAl9ikjVGBwOUHB3OIiRqQv7wbFbIEfCX5wwVr2E

Version 0.02

(v5.20:  Added Systems fully functional.)

Still probably not ready to be shown to anyone else yet but I figured someone else may enjoy it as it and it's playable as is. Farm and Nursery upgrades all work, the new breeding/milking system seems to work fine, and the dialogues have been revamped and fleshed out.!TrA0maCL!tnxKHT7LbeFbsAvZjWOK3Cxhii9q8so-IarmoJptAJc


-Known Issues soon to be fixed-

Breeding Loop (Can't replicate, haven't heard issue from other users yet)

Probably Text/Grammer issues (Likely to be an ongoing thing until I get a proofreader or have the mod at a stopping point to then go back and check all added dialogue, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum)


Currently Implemented Features

-Leveling Traits-
Certain traits will have the chance to "level up" or "decrease" over time adding for a wider variety of play.

-Enhanced Pregnancy/Breeding System-
Babies require a "Puberty Potion" (crafted from placenta & fluid essence) or 500 gold + 50 mana to raise (raised cost to encourage difficulty and crafting).
Pregnancy now takes 7 days typically. There are a list of traits (the "breeding" series) that are specifically to enhance that to speed it up or the duration.
Trait line: Breeder enhances the speed of pregnancy, lessens the duration away "in labor", or both.
Locations: Nursery has 3 levels now. Level 2 unlocks the chance of a decreased away time for the baby. Level 3 unlocks the chance for higher Tits/Ass size (no smaller than Average allowed) and tighter pussy/assholes.

(Quick Breeding) Elastic Pussy > Quick Breeder > Breeding Machine
(Shorter Cooldowns) Insta-Womb > Tough Breeder > Breeding Machine
Labor Lover
Narrow Canals

New Items

(Items haven't been added to encounter lists yet, only craftable/purchasable until the enhanced encounters commences)

 Gear: Mobile Pump (Bought in Umbra. Acts as Pump as if Farming Hatchery 2+),  Shock Collar (Bought in Umbra, forces Energy, Obedience, and Fear at a slight risk)

Ingredients: Placenta (1 per Birth), Cum (From Pump Suit or Farm Hatchery 2+), Squirt (From Pump Suit or Farm Hatchery 2+), Raw Milk (From Pump Suit or Farm Hatchery 2+)

Potions: Cum/Squirt Bottle (Used as a Food Substitute and Stress Relief for slaves with the corresponding trait), Milk Bottle (Provides Stress Relief with a minuscule risk), Induction Potion (Speeds up Pregnancies),  Puberty Potion (Used to Grow babies, No Effect when drunk yet), Breeder Potion (Scrapped Idea that will be revised, only use it if you want to force a couple new traits onto your slaves)

Trait Lines

-Enhanced Farming-
Farm Capacity may be upgraded to hold more livestock.
Farm Hatchery may be upgraded to pump the livestock for usable items (Milk/Semen/Cum) (Level 2) and Essences (Level 3)

Note: Farming Essences may helpful for alchemy but puts a strain on your slaves. Upgrading the farm to Hatchery 3 will involve you needing to ensure slaves are well-rested (energized), healthy, or you have plenty of bandages to keep them alive on the extractor.

Farm Treatment may be upgraded to Level 2 increase sex drives
Items: -I'll write out later-
Trait Lines:
(Milk Production): Sensitive Nipples > Leaking Nipples > Milk Maid
(Squirt Production): Moist Pussy > Dripping Pussy > Squirter

New Dialogue

In Progress

Not nearly as advanced as the Slave Dialogue variety, but that doesn't seem to be implemented. So I made my own to add a bit of fun to the "talk" menu.

Tested Compatibility: Random Portraits and Delayed Portrait Loading

Incompatible: Mana for Baby, Rapid Pregnancy,  Improved Protagonist (changes the same things), Pony Mod (current version not working on v5.21)

May be incompatible with mods that add additional items (haven't tested or found any).


Coming Soon (hopefully):

Dialogues are going to be fleshed out with unique dialogues for each of the Uniques, plus special dialogue for their children (as long as the code works).

Unlockable Gorn Arena: Jobs for Gladiator/trix, Herald, Cleanup. Eventually, options to post bets on matches and see the play-out story (possibly participating in them yourself)

Brother Enhanced: Pay to restore Energy, available X number of times a day (tied to your reputation)

New Jobs: Alchemist (, Example (mansion), Assassin (town), Slave-Catcher (to catch slaves for you)

Towns Enhanced: Pay to influence government with reputations (Add/Lose races from Slave's Guild, Buy Reputation, and new Uniques in time)

More End of Day stories/dialogues for rules/traits

Dynamic Combat Lust (tied to using Tentacle Spell in combat as well later)

Tentacle Spell is being reformed to add a multi-check story where the target fights the tentacle and, if she fails, may be impregnated. Will have Summoning Potion to enhance the chance of successfully casting, Tentacle Bait to negate hiding (if the target is under the effect), and the overall success will gain items from the tentacle/portal.'

Racial Milk/Essenses: The essences may be racial based (for different milk per race with different benefits), but man will that take a while to code each one. Should encourage putting more than Tauruses in the Farm though.

New Specialties (Breeding Trainer, while currently in the system as a trait, will become this)

Added Random Quests, Combat Encounters, and Unit Types for more post-story options.

Flying Ability and Effect option for Fliers, with tags restricting new weapons (bows, throwing, and spells) to hit (Nightmare to code, I'm sure)

Racial Combat Abilities (Centaurs/Arachnids/Dragons...things to make them feel special)

Wowie zowie kapowie! Now this is a mod. If everything here works as intended, color me impressed indeed.

How many hours have you put into this mod? (I've put ~50 hours into my mod fyi).

Okay so I found a few errors in your mod. They are kinda deal breakers so, sadly, I'm not gunna try this mod any more until they are fixed.

1. After a few days, pregnant girls will start 'giving birth' over and over again, day after day. Yet they remain pregnant. 

2. When a girl is in the farm (fully upgraded), the after day report menu is completely blank.

3. Many spelling and grammar errors in the text dialogue. Too many to list them all. 

But it's not all bad. I see great promise here. Keep it up and I believe you can make a wonderful mod!

Thanks! Again, mod is definitely still  early days and I haven't gotten to do much playtime on it to test since I upgraded it to game version 5.21 this afternoon, so I appreciate the heads up on the errors. I'll list them in the post for and try to hammer them out over the next day or two (after thanksgiving, probably).

One question for troubleshooting if you don't mind helping, were any of the girls stuck in that "infinite pregnancy" loop on the Breeder Trait Line, or specifically at Breeding Machine? That trait specifically is intended for day-long pregnancies with no recover for the mother at the cost of major stat penalties, but shouldn't be triggering unless she was impregnated and should take a long time to even gain it.

Regarding the text and spelling errors, finishing the dialogue revamp is next up after finishing making it playable again. It's just me writing and coding it all for now, so hopefully I can find and fix those out soon too, I know that can detract from a game.

I hope the errors haven't scared you off completely and you'll be willing to try it out again when I iron out the edges!

(1 edit)

So I tried troubleshooting and can't get either problem listed to replicate in my game. I have all of the mansion upgrades (original game and mine) and end of day is triggering as normal, and pregnancy doesn't seem to be auto-triggering or repeating for me for any of the 5 pregnancy traits.  If you don't mind helping me troubleshoot this issue, I'd appreciate it.

Are you using Strive 5.21 for Version 0.03? I know you said in yours that you were using 5.20 for Pony Mod until you update it.

Do you have any other mods installed along with mine? It may be a conflict.

Do you have the Patreon password entered? I'm wondering if maybe that may be acting funky with the capacity upgrade.

Do you recall if any events, popups, or errors in the error console popped up?

Thanks man, I'll try and help square this out so you may be able to enjoy it too!

No other mods. Latest ver strive and mod ver 0.3.   edited save file to give max money and upgrade points, no custom images. 

the day end skip occurs when a preg (?) girl is in the fully upgraded farm, both milk and snail. (Also, milk and snail seem to do the same thing for lev 3 farm? bug?)

the infinite preg loop happened to two girls on about day 5-8 on their preg cycle.

(3 edits)

Thanks! I'll try to replicate it with a couple pregnant girls in the farm, it may be an conflict with pregnant end of day vs farm end of day.

Milk and Snail still offer different food/goldproduction values based on their tits size/race, but the extended farming nodes for milk, semen, and cum production I set for both to try and keep both as viable options (to avoid you getting tons of cool extras from milking, why not spring for a nursing potion and avoid the snails). I don't know if it is immersion breaking, even though I tried it for balance. Since you brought it up however, I may go ahead and skip the effects on Hens and maybe have them have a small chance to give placentas for Puberty potions based on # of births or something to split up that gameplay a little more again. I was also thinking about dropping the food production slightly overall from it to balance the extra stalls and items added for gameplay balance.

I'm still not getting that breeding loop, unfortunately, because I want to fix it. Do you remember if they had any certain breeding traits, are certain races, were impregnated magically, were pregnant prior to the mod, or anything else offhand? Also, do they ever go into the "away" stage "in labor"? This one will bug me until I get it fixed and I appreciate your help. It seems like they are skipping the childbirth section entirely, which resets their pregnancy to 0.

Complete Sidenote: I'm almost positive our mods aren't compatible with similar overrides, which sucks. At some point in the future, when we both have our mods in fully working condition, would you be amicable to figuring out a joint endeavor patch for our mods? I'm thinking a second mod version released for compatibility with both mods lacking the scripts that override and a second "patch" mod that combines the scripts that both of our mods override. I wouldn't touch it without your consent, of course, but would be happy to work on it at that point so people can check out both.

Sorry, bro, don't know what to tell you. I could give you my save file but I'm not sure how it would help if it's the code that's wrong. 

I don't mind cooperating. Feel free to copy paste my code if you want. Although, godot's mod engine is kinda poopy, and a few people have doubts of getting a true mod ecosystem off the ground (see Kyler2's comment here The <addto> command theoretically would enable mods to place nice together, but it isn't able to make every change needed when modding. Simply overwriting the whole function or var or whatever is too convenient most of the time when modding. For those reasons I don't think I would be willing to put time into making out mods compatible (until godot's mod system gets revamped).

If you could toss me your save game, I'd love to try it. Haven't been any to replicate it at all to fix the pregnancy loop.

And the AddTo does suck, but that's why I was meaning taking and physically combining our codes for a version so the game is reading one modded file and not skipping the other. If we get "finished" versions of each of our mods and I have your permission, I'd work on it.

If you want to try and combine my mod into yours, be my guest. However, I will continue to develop my own versions of ponymod independently. I currently am adding features as I think of them, with no defined end point.

Incidentally, have you tried ponymod? If so, how do you like it? (You need strive 5.20a I think)

I haven't tried it yet as I've been working on mine in 5.21, but whenever you do upgrade it to 5.21 I'm looking forward to unloading mine and trying it. I've dug around in your code some and like what I'm seeing, so I can't wait to see it play out.

I appreciate that! I'll wait until my mod is closer to where I want it and we're all on the same game version, but I'd like people to be able to enjoy both of our mods without having to pick between them.

I just released a new version, and hope you'll check it out!

That all sounds fine. 

When I get home next week, I'll upload a copy of strive 5.20a for posterity and so you and try my mod (if you don't have a copy of 5.20a already, that is).

In short, ponymod adds three new races and integrates them in all places in strive's code. It's more complex than just adding an entry in I have to modify code wherever a race is mentioned... about 5-7 files, I'd estimate. 

It also add a bunch of optional features that can be tuned off or on by editing one of the mod files ( 

 easymode: Tweaks variables to be easier (more start money, etc).
 longpreg: increases pregancy time and decreases growup time.
 feralpreg: Allows feral males to impregnate beastkin females. To turn this on or off, edit
 pubes: replaces shaven vaginas with natrually hairy vaginas. No variance; girls either have no hair (vanilla) or unshaven/natural hair (mod).  furrymode: more furries (+40%) and less humans (-40%).

Does any of that sound interesting?

Sounds good man! I may switch back to try it if you aren't updating it any time soon. I saw and love the settings, I wanted to see how it's implemented. The impregnation settings are definitely going to be a mod conflict, but the inclusion of "feral males" intrigues me to what is going on with the races.

Pubes I was actually workin' on with my version too, as naturally growing over time. Dunno who it's for, but isn't hard to code, the variable is already in the game, and I'm sure it's someone's thing, so why not?

I added a link to strive 5.20a on my mod thread on this site.... So, It looks like about 4-8 hours of work to update my mid to 5.21b, so I'm gunna procrastinate on  that as much as possible

For pubes, I decided to just make it an on/of deal, because I didn't want to program dynamically growing hair lol. There are about six text descriptions in (I think) which describe what natural pubes look like, and send that text to the scene.

New version incoming, pending a little more bug testing.

Some of the new features include:

Fixed Bugs from previous version (obviously).

Dynamic Dialogue project: Pregnancy  is up and going. Have full conversations with your pregnant slaves for small stat boosts daily.

Tracked Semen: Semen is tracked per slave per 4 types (vagina, ass, face, and body). Ties into other game mechanics like pregnancy, bath rules, etc (but opens options for a lot more changes).

2 new Mansion jobs, Breeder and Breeding Livestock. Breeders (Male or Futa) inseminate Breeding Livestock. Functions correctly on my testing, but I feel like there can easily by hidden bugs on this one. Let me know if ya find any. In the future, I'm debating making the jobs available after an upgrade at the mansion instead of automatically available, but leaving it this was for testing purposes for now.

Hidden (for now) humiliation stat that tracks how Humiliated a slave is getting per the actions you are making him/her do. Heals slowly based on room, but will eventually cause a mental break towards either the mental degradation trait line or the Sex Broken trait line (instead of the generic "sex-crazed" break atm).

A couple more little things, but those are some of the bigger new features. Going to post it after I run it through the paces.

No idea if I'm enabling it wrong but a get the following errors in console and no option to choose race when starting a new game after enabling the mod. I get it whether or not I paste the scripts from the  fix folder.

...Just realized that I made a dumbass move while packaging it and renamed the folder to the version which broke the mod load path.

Quick, easy fix is to just rename the folder "AricsExpansion v0.5" to just "AricsExpansion", and you should be good to go after deactivating (rebooting) and reactivating.

I'll update the main file soon. Thanks for the console pic, it pointed out the issue very quickly!

Updated and corrected main file

whenever i enable the mod. it's breaks all the mods.

don't know if it helps but here's a description of what happens : 

after enabling it, the game has to restart because i enabled a new mod, after starting the game again. the mod destination is bugged, and there's no mods anymore on the list, if i then press apply or reset once more, and then restart the game once again. the mod destination is back, and the mods are back, but none of the mods work. disabling ARIC, makes everything work again, so i'm pretty sure it's aric.

Right now, the fix is simple. You need to take all the files in your game's "backups" folder, copy and paste them over all of the game's "files" folder, and reboot the game and disable all mods. Then restart with an empty mod loader and reload the mods.

Couple things that may help after that:

1) Make sure that the mod's folder name is "AricsExpansion". I had a version uploaded temporarily that was named wrong and it will break, the current link is good.

2) The mod will not work with Constants. Immediately breaks. But as Constants is pretty much just an example mod, shouldn't be an issue.

3) This mod will work with Random Portraits and Delayed Loading. It probably won't work with any other mod, as it's becoming a very extensive overhaul and touches a lot of parts of the game (and the game doesn't like itself being touched twice by mods, however it's done).

If the mod still doesn't work after, let me know if there are any errors in the console (if you're using a console), if you have it downloaded or are doing it on (I think works a little different and haven't tested, but the downloaded version works fine), and anything else. Walked under ladders, broke mirrors, whatever may help. We'll get it working for ya

(4 edits)

i got the mod to work, meaning it doesn't crash all the mods. but i can't talk with any of my slaves.

That's a peculiar one I haven't heard others encountering on this release .Any other mods with it? Added races, etc?  Did you restore the backup files?

The script you had that bug with is about to be majorly revamped in this next release.  Maybe they heard and are just excited for having variable dialogue options?

Iam having the same problem, I only have your mod enabled but for some reason i can't talk to the slaves :/

(2 edits)

i have tried with only this mod and random portrait, and i still couldn't talk with any slaves. but i the only other mods i usually have with this is MEERD, random portrait and delayed portraits

 i also  have restored the backup files yes. i  still have the download in a rar file, so i just delete the whole game and unpack it again.

edit : forgot to mention is still happens, even if it's only this mod on

Damn, I hate to hear that. Should have the new version out soon which should fix a lot of that. I'll try to get it out sooner and double check all of that in statstabs

So, the following observations are based on my tastes, and are not bug related:

1. The way the dialogue in this mod reads out, it's like every girls says the exact same thing every single time. This seems unrealistic. I recommend  you add some kinda of random variance to all dialogue to alleviate this matter.

2. This mod adds something like 4 new potions and 5 new essences. Too much! It clogs up the UI lists and confuses the player when they try to figure out what each new thing does.

3. Pregnancy time is too low. I'm not sure how, but I got 8 day pregnancies with this mod at one point. This seems kinda over the top. Now, the base game has 30 day pregnancies. which is also unrealistic. My mod increases it to 45 days... also unrealistic. [Realistic being 40 weeks, or 280 days]. I would recommend something like 20 days, at the most, for a faster preg time.

(1 edit)

The dialogue is actually doing just that in the new version I'm working on currently, based on Maverik's scrapped idea in Slave_Dialogues. Conversations are randomly generated from a variety of arrays to make every conversation feel pretty different per person, per day, etc. 100% agree on that one and that's the next major feature in the upcoming release.

I could consolidate, and did consider using things like the Maturity Potion instead of Puberty Potion, combining the cum/squirt potions, etc. I may end up doing that, don't want it to be overwhelming or confusing. My philosophy for now is "add the features, trim the fat". I can take out stuff fairly easily later on.

Regarding Pregnancy time, that's just a conflicting preference on my end. Lol. I like breeding games and the "breed slaves for better traits" gameplay (usually with 1-3 day pregnancies max). I made the 7 day after working with the 3 day pregnancy mod as that was way too fast in my opinion, but I wanted to leave the option for it (thus the induction potion). I may revisit this in the future and extend pregnancy times while mixing it up a bit, or have an in-game option that adjusts it, but that's why I shortened it. And depending on how many sexual interactions, Breeding Livestock, some having traits shortening times, etc, I could easily see 8 hitting at once. Look at all you'll be able to sell/jobs you can complete soon! Haha

I really appreciate the feedback, and hope it was enjoyable even if not fully to your tastes!

I tried this mod recently and it seams is breaking the rule of race on the slaver guild, not sure is supposed to.

Basically when i add the mod to the list it start working like if you had the option "allow all possible races in slaver guild" and no longer for example wimborn is restricted to humans,elf,etc i see everything including the rare ones lie lamias, archnias, etc

Also in another not i will love an option or different version of the mod so you can extend the pregnancy settings 7 feels to fast for me

This can happen if you break the modloader, which is possible if you enable/disable mods quite a bit, in those cases you need to do a fresh install of the game again and then try to mod, if the problem is consistent then it IS a matter of broken code somewhere, also, play the game through the executable for strive, that way you get a console to pop out and you can submit any console errors that you see when a bug presents itself.

I tried what you mentioned and worked perfectly thanks for the help

Updated with proof that I do take requests. ;)

thanks for the update! the option to choose how long the pregnancy is, is great. 

after testing the new update though, i've come across two things : 

1 - sometimes still not to talk to a slave. what i mean by sometimes is that, sometimes i'm able to talk the slave while not being able to at other times. and this is just 1 slave. while i'm not able to talk to that specific slave, i can talk to other slaves just fine. 

this is the error that comes up when i'm not able to talk to the slave.

2 - i don't actually know if it comes from this mod. but you mentioned in your update, that some races might be out of place? what i seem to notice though is that it's pretty extreme. i tried using your array fix aswell but it didn't work. just the first main quest where yo have to find a human, was VERY difficult. even around wimborn. because the races that appeared were very random.

Thanks for the console pic! I can troubleshoot and fix that talk error now and will have it fixed by the next update.

I don't think that's my mod, to be honest. The only thing my fix changes is 3 daily events that call races incorrectly, not anything in the constructor. I don't replace anything within the mod that should change race spawn rates either. Are you using v5.22 or v5.22a? He released an update right after that said he fixed the races in the changelog.

Note: If you are using v5.22a, don't use my "replacement" fix anymore. Haven't looked at how he fixed it yet, may have been the same way, but either way it's supposed to be done already.

hey, whenever I start the game with your mod I get this error in the console 

Thanks for letting me know! That issue was found and resolved for the next version to be released, though the release of that version has been slightly pushed back with the release of game version 5.22b.

Okay so I'm sure this is a stupid question and I'm just missing something obvious but I'm new to this game and I can't seem to figure out how to get the mod to work? I've tried another, smaller, mod and it seemed to work just fine but for some reason this one just won't work. I installed it in the folder you're supposed to and it will even show up on the mod section of the game's main menu. It'll let me click it and it'll say it's applied but none of the content seems to show up? It just plays like the regular game. I tried doing a complete clean install and redoing everything but I'm still having the same issue. Am I forgetting something? Is there something you're supposed to do to trigger it? I'm confused. 

Are any other mods installed with it? Also, what game version are you using? There is nothing specifically triggering it, it blends into the game.

will this work on the latest public version

The latest will work on version 5.22, so I believe so 

Quick Update on the next version:

The delay on the new version of Arics is just 100% due to writing at the moment. I’ve added a system where each Slave is assigned a personality and a flaw (based on the “7 deadly sins”) that combine with a handful of other factors (Obedience, Loyalty, etc etc) to create a pool of randomly generated dialogue that is (somewhat) unique to each Slave. I think this will provide enough variety so that it will feel very different and fun every time you “talk” to them, especially as there are a lot of new conversation options under “talk”.

The downside is that while the “intro” dialogue is mostly done, I’m having to write about 3-5 lines of dialogue for a minimum of 15 categories per conversation topic. That’s not taking into about the “builder” lines which are dialogue lines that are built and added into the pool using a set combination of words/phrases/descriptions so every time that option is chosen, it is still most likely different than the last time it was. All that to say, it’s time-consuming as hell but should be a ton of fun when done.

Deleted 2 years ago

Yep, not yet. He changed a lot of code, so it’ll take a bit to get mine back in sync with the new code. It is in progress, however!

Just a quick update:

Mod isn’t dead, just taking longer than originally expected for the completely revamped dialogue system. That was put on the back burner temporarily to correct an issue with the mod crashing 100+ slave mansions on load, but that issue seems to be corrected.

Currently, the work order for the next version’s release is:

Finish Dialogue for Intros (what they say when you hit “Talk” and limited conversations (limited out of the 15-20 evolving options planned).

Retesting final intro dialogue to ensure it pulls randomly correctly.

Rewriting the added Incest checks in the sex system to be compatible with v5.23.

Test 1 week of gameplay in save games of 150ish Slaves, 8 Slaves, and New Game to ensure no other glitches.

Future updates will include the changes planned for this release, which include a new Tentacle Spell minigame, more Intro Dialogue, more interactive buttons in conversation, character logs (tracking their personal events and work progress from the prior day, and a reorganized “End of Day” to allow easier to read general stats with group events/results and special events at the top with the old format of individual breakdown below (to prevent the need to go through the long end of Day posts to ensure you didn’t miss any interesting events or important info, thus speeding up gameplay somewhat).

Just an issue I found using the mod. When the starting companion (Female) gained the cumslut attribute, she would constantly have mental breakdowns due to not being able to eat normal foods even with the two fluid items from the market in storage. There were also no ways to create the necessary recipes to keep her from being sick in a 2/2 lab. Unfortunately, this attribute degraded her stats every turn until she was useless.

Thank you for the heads up! I'll definitely look into that issue in detail for the next update.

I am likely going to drastically overhaul the cumslut trait-line to match the new trait leveling system to prevent that issue in the future.

In this specific case I think it was the fact the Cumslut attribute was looking for an item that didn't exist or the items/trait was misflagged. I like the idea you have going and enjoyed what bits of the humiliation script you have going.
One other issue is that asking them to clean up certain areas of the body did not remove the fluids their description page. Though I understand that was still in works.
Your mod adds a lot more enjoyment to the game and I hope you'll continue working on it.

Does anyone know a way to download an older version of strive that will work with this mod? Even with all of the improvements 5.23 + made it feels kinda lack luster not using this mod.

Deleted 2 years ago

I'm not finding that. In the Strive page youre referring to. Its nowhere on the itico page nor the download page. What am I missing?

Deleted 2 years ago

Found it thanks, didn't know Itch had its own app lol. Appreciate the assistance :D

Deleted 3 years ago

Ohhh, Thats why it won't work, Thought I had downloaded 5.22b but turns out that the itcho page lied and it was really 5.23c, well guess I'll wait for the update

Deleted 2 years ago

Actually I'm working on updating the mod now. I won't release it for a little while to ensure that any major bugs can be caught by Maverik first and it's kind of a lot to update, but it is coming.

So, I've gotten this mod to mostly work with the latest (v0.5.23c) version of Strive for Power. However, the Kegels dialog seems to be broken. Talking to a slave about it just pops "Null" into their dialog box and the console spits out the following error

SCRIPT ERROR: talkKegels: Invalid get index 'lastsexday' (on base: 'Dictionary')

At: user://mods/AricsExpansion/scripts/

Otherwise I'm not seeing any issues with my edit. If anyone wants to take a look and see if they can fix it I can upload the files.

Use person.lastsexday instead of person.metrics.lastsexday. Lastsexday does not exist in the metrics dictionary.

Tried that, and I still get "Null" in the speech. The console gives the following new error:

SCRIPT ERROR: talkKegels: Invalid operands 'Object' and 'float' in operator '/'.

At: user://mods/AricsExpansion/scripts/

Here's the current relevant line in (sans tabs)

if person.sstr*2 + person.lastsexday + capacity + rand_range(0,10) >+ rand_range(50,100)/capacity:

(1 edit)

My first thought is >+ should be >= (someone missed holding down the shift key).

(2 edits)

Oh hey, that fixes it. Cool.
I also fixed another bug I found in the mod that prevented slaves with wits below 0 from even talking to the PC.
Enjoy the updated mod.
Woops, forgot to enable sharing. Should be open to everyone now.

Also, I've encountered some other bugs. One leads to a divide by zero issue when doing the Kegels talk.

Thanks for updating this, man! I haven’t forgotten about this mod but had some stuff pop up in my life that put it on the back burner for a few months. I plan on resuming work on it pretty soon to bring out a lot of those features previously discussed and make sure everything plays nicely with the alterations maverik made in 5.24c.

Are you working with Maverik to perhaps add this to the Sequel? You offer a lot of nice kink stuff that is not in the core game.

I’m not but would be open to it. I got the chance to talk out some ideas with him several months ago, but at that point he’d indicated he was going in a different direction. Either way, if he adds mod support I’ll likely make one for it.

I'm using this mod for the first time and it really adds a lot to the game. I was wondering if there was any way to have NPC's develop traits in the  Fluid Appetite trait line? Or do I just have to force feed them the fluid I want them to eat?

If you talk to a slave that is standing awkwardly due to loads of cum inside them, and then force them to lick up the mess, you can give them that trait as well. At least the cumslut one; not sure about pisswhore.

Hmm, found a strange bug in the Mansion file.
I've found that the dialog for Farm Treatment Level 2 (might apply to other levels, haven't tested) pushes interaction between the "cow" (person being milked) and the Headgirl, rather than the Farm Manager. End of day dialog will feature the headgirl, and if the headgirl is unavailable (away due to being Elevated, for instance), the end of day dialog is completely skipped. Bit of a problem, since this also skips child birth dialog. Here's the code the error report references.

text1.set_bbcode(text1.get_bbcode() + person.dictionary("$name knelt on all fours like an animal in the stalls today while") + farmmanager.dictionary(" $name slid the fucking machines into") + person.dictionary(" $him. They began to go in and out of $his ass and pussy all day as $he moaned like a cow in heat, squirting cum on the ground throughout the day.") + headgirl.dictionary("\n $name was enticed by $his friend and allowed $himself to be licked until orgasm by") + person.dictionary(" $name, and they seem to be [color=green]much closer[/color] now as cum drools out of $name's mouth.\n\n"))

Specifically, it says "Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'dictionary' in base 'Nil'

Which version of the mod (The updated to 5.24c in the comments or the main mod itself) are you using, and what is your game version? The person class changed in 5.24c, I believe, which is why the mod needs a decent overhaul to ensure that it is referencing the correct locations and dictionaries. It may be related to that

Late reply, sorry. I'm using the mod version I posted earlier, and the game version 0.5.23c
I've also come across the fact that the "Let's clean you up" talk doesn't seem to do any actual cleaning. The resulting text box is just an ellipses.

So, I've been using this for a little bit now and it's pretty great. Obviously I can't wait for a more updated version! So my fingers are crossed there, but I did have one question/suggestion if it's not already implimented.

I've noticed there is no way to inspect yourself naked, unless I'm missing something completely. Now its' not a huge problem, it was mostly my own curiosity on sizes of things and such. So, am I missing something? Or is this something that could be implimented in the future?

You should be able to inspect yourself (ie: receive the description) by clicking on your profile picture. I’ll have to test it later to make sure that hasn’t changed in any version updates

(1 edit)

Here, I nabbed a screenshot real quick of a new game. I used quick start, so because the player is always clothed, I have no idea what my starting sizes were, and if I were to add piercings or tattoos I wouldn't be able to see them in the 'Inspect looks' section because the player's clothes are always on AFAIK. (Can't tell yourself to strip, or give yourself the 'partially naked' rule.)

Ahhhh, I get what you’re saying now. Yeah, that’s something that I’ll look to address in the future release. Thanks for pointing that out!

No problem. Like I said, it's not a big deal really. On my main game I just kind of used the min/major potions to max and then took it down or up in stages to get to what I think should be about right. Just thought it was worth mentioning. 

Hi, i just wanted to know if i did something wrong with installing this mod or if installing this mod with the latest version just does not work. Also, i don'tknow how to make a picture of the error so i copy'd that to a text file, but i see no way to add that file. If you would like to help me with this it would be highly appriciated.

With high regards,


This mod isn’t currently compatible with the latest version, but the downloadable version of the game in the main description should work with the posted version.

Thanks for the answer, i will try the older version first then. Still about the other thing, does anyone know how to make a picture or add a document to one of these messages? Thanks again.

That’s pretty simple. Easiest way would likely be just to hit PrntScn on your keyboard, open up Paint, paste the screenshot, then crop and save it. You can then attach it with the image button on here (should be the rightmost button on the reply bar).

Thank you for your answer. Good luck with updating this mod, and have fun.

(1 edit)

any particular reason noone updated this for 9 months? it took me about 3 hours and i had to learn retardation that is gdscript whitespace handling in the process, so im pretty sure the author (or anyone familiar with gdscript  really) coulve done it in an hour

anyhow, seems to be working so here you go lazy f**ks

Arics_55_for_525.7z <- updated!

edit: seems i did an oopsie and packed wrong branch after giving up on fixing minor bug (guildslaves de/serialization in load/save functions) - link updated (btw if someone wants to tackle the bug i reckon it stems from way i handled override)

(1 edit)

As I’ve stated multiple times, I’m not just updating the released version of the mod, I’m rewriting it in addition to adding several major new features. And things have come up a few times that had left me not working on it for a while. The released version had a lot of areas  that were inefficient and a pain to update every time Maverik released a new version, plus I’m trying to clean it up so other modders can make it play well with their mods (as it is not made to play well with others now).

I appreciate you updating the version as is, and I’m sure others will as well.

The unnecessary hostility? That is less appreciated. We’re all just here to have a good time, man.

(3 edits)

Not sure if it's only me, but this conversion of the mod fucks up my saves: When I save with the mod enabled and then load all progress has been lost, not even my character name remains the same.

I haven’t tried the conversion yet (as my game is set up for my re-write), but try deleting or moving your “progress data“. This sounds like the common error with heavy mods. Saves will show blank afterward, but they should load correctly afterwards and then show correctly upon the next save (if it’s that error).

I would recommend backing up your save data first. If you’re unfamiliar, it’ll be under the Strive folder in your App Data (around where you installed the mod).

Sadly that doesn't seem to be the issue.

This might help. Although I would understand if you didn't care as this is not you port.

Deleted 5 years ago

Hey Aric, I don't know if it's been mentioned before or how hard it would be to do, but I'd love it if children had at least some of the attribute points of their parents instead of just traits. Like 10% or so from the combined parents. It just feels like such a loss that they end up just like any other run of the mill level 1 character. To me, at least.

Part of what I'm working on now (and trying to recode) in addition to cleaning up the old script is something similar to this. As breeding is (obviously) one of my favorite parts of this game, I am trying to work out a stat/traitline system similar to games like Breeding Season. Currently I've got the system working so there are multiple "trees" under one trait (Ie: Lactation has Milk Regeneration and Milk Storage) that have 1-5 positive traits and 1 possible negative per line. Based on the traitline level of the parents, the children will have increased "traitline" levels which should both encourage and give a long-term purpose to breeding.

At the moment that hasn't included stats, but eventually I'd like to have "max stat" potentials to where the children have increased maxed stats based off of their parent's race. Having starting stats higher may be game-breaking, but I think that will drive the benefit of having different races breed as well to increase the different max stats. That is merely in the idea stage though and I haven't seen what obstacles may be in the way of that yet.

Thank you for your suggestion! I appreciate the feedback!

Sounds awesome man, I can't wait. I don't think the stat thing would be too game breaking though. It's really no different than buying a slave, or capturing one that already has a few points distributed. Maybe even, instead of having them inherit some of their current stats, have them start off with a few more points to attribute instead of the default 2, to show their lineage. Like is Dad is level 10 and mom is level 5, child starts with 3 stats points and have a max of like 5 or something.

Maybe I'm weird, but I feel like my hard work in leveling and training my slaves should have more impact on their children so I can specialize and ship them off, or put them to work easier. lol

I love this game, and your mod makes it even more enjoyable. I think the only thing I'd complain about is that I wish there were more stories/scenes with the main cast or longer sex descriptions for the mini game. Multiple partners especially seems so dumbed down almost feels like a grind at times, to me, at least. Like 'Okay, they're all horny... just use this potion and bang 'em all at once. Hit this button multiple times, move on.' XD

hey dude, just wanted to say I'm loving your expansion so far. I managed to find a bug that has been bothering me on a few saves

I'm  using 5.22c (the version your provided in the mod)

basically the day "progresses" but i don't get a pop-up for the end of day information. and it prevents interactions from refreshing.

it only happens when assigning slaves to the farm, the three girls listed are all lactating, have big breast size, (the middle one is female the other two are futanari's)

I've tried putting the girls in individually, selling and not selling the produce but the error still pops up and I'd love to know what i can do to fix this as using them to produce food is much easier than sending slaves hunting.

I'd also like to know how can i get slaves to obtain the pisswhore trait line? as having them clean themselves up after sex only seems to give them the cumslut trait.

very excited to see what your next expansion overhaul will be on the next update man. love your work and look forward to hearing from ya.

Thanks for bringing that up and I really appreciate the feedback! I'll be sure to look out for that error in the new version and appreciate the details! It's been several months since I messed with the old version so I honestly can't say specifically (I completely remodeled my trait system for the new version so it works differently), but I believe there is a chance of gaining either cum or piss on cleanup as well as the primary way of force-feeding the desired potion (cum or piss) to the person until they gain the trait. The second method is far more reliable, as I recall. Hope that helps for now!

Made some more progress on it today and hopefully with have a playable version in the next week or two. I will likely release it as a separate mod (leaving the old one up for now) as it is completely rewritten from the ground up. That way the old option will still be available for those who prefer it.

(1 edit)

If of interest, didnt notice this bug back when i was playing arics mod, however i did just find some change notesfor references to a body part in the "####Intro Restrictions" section of `` (in my version, actual bug on line 166, might be diff line number though). Changed it to `person.v..` and no more end day bugs.

Had thought i solved more than one end day bug, could only find any notes for that one though. Pretty stable overall, even if a milk was a little OP ;)

I can secod the bug about having people in the farm, however, it's only the milkers. Those in the hatchery with the snails don't cause the problem. The moment you put someone in the milkers though, you no longer get updates on the daily progress. So, basically I just keep them out of the milkers and have girls in the hatchery instead.

Not that I think it matters at this point, as we all await the new version! Can't wait! 

Hey dude, thanks for confirming. I wanted to check, did you notice it happen after they have been in the milkers for a few days first? I'm about to try an new save and see how long it will allow it before the bug shows up

I haven't tested it extensively, but I believe it starts after the first upgrade to the farm. So, the initial purchase works, but the second you upgrade it the milkers bug out. It's been a minute since I've been there though, so it might have just done it at the start. All I can say for sure is that it does do happen and it's anytime there are people (Cows) in the milker. The hatchery works fine, other than the nurseries all getting reup up with your Head Girl instead of your Farm Manager. XD

Hi I've been trying hard to get this mod to work, but it simply doesnt. I download and unzip the folder into my roaming/strive/mods folder, go in-game from 5.22 and enable it. Check that it is INDEED enabled, then go into the game, and none of the mod content exists. I can't upgrade nurseries, there's no extra new dialogues, everything is still exactly the same. What gives?

I have installed several versions of Strive before on my PC, so could there be some kind of conflict?

Generally, when a mod fails to change stuff after being applied through the mod screen, it means that the mod folder is incorrectly positioned.  This can result from extracting a mod into a new folder if the mod already comes inside a folder, or if the game's path to the mods folder has been changed.

Please check that the info.txt file is located at position "../Roaming/Strive/mods/AricsExpansion/info.txt", if there are more or less steps in the path then it will not work.

Just in case, multiple mod support was bugged until version 0.5.25.

Whats a quick way to check that the mod content is actually there? For example, the mod says that there should be additional nursery upgrades and additional jobs, and I checked and neither existed. I confirmed that the info.txt file is where you said it should be, I just want to know a way to verify that the mod is actually being applied, apart from the main screen saying "modded" in the bottom left which apparently doesn't guarantee anything.

(1 edit)

Version "modded" only reports that a mod was added to the list of active mods, it does not guarantee any other result.
The fastest way to check is to search the game files for a mod only script file like ".../files/scripts/", or open (edit: in a text editor)".../files/scripts/" and check for mod additions like Slutty, Whore, or Bimbo traits.

I re-examined your first post and did think of some possible conflicts with existing versions, though they shouldn't prevent you from seeing mod changes.  If you have removed your "../Roaming/Strive" folder before switching to this mod then this will be irrelevant.  Reset the game's mods, renaming the current "../Roaming/Strive" folder to render it inactive, start the game(creates new folders), copy over to the new folders the mod and any pictures, and re-apply the mod.

(2 edits)

Ok, I checked and verified that the mod only script files did not exist, which confirmed my suspicions that it wasn't being activated. By the way here's the error log from the godot engine editor screen:

and here's more errors whenever I try to do a fresh install of the game and load the mod:

(1 edit)

just confirming this is what it should look in my install path

and what it looks like when i load the mod

Not everything is visible from the images shown, but of the information provided, it all looks correct.  And the game certainly looks like it believes it has  installed the mod.  If you open that "AricsExpansion" folder you should see 2 folders,, and info.txt.  If that's what you see when you open that folder, then you've put it in the right place.

yea, and things don't work.  I checked by going in game and buying the nursery upgrade, and it can only be bought once. Also I played about 5 hours before that with the mod installed and never saw any of the mod content.

I think the error logs hint at something going wrong. Like something can't be accessed. Could it have anything to do with windows 7 admin access?

Can I do some kind of temporary work-around by just over-writing the game files with the mod files?

The mod files are generally not replacements, but only contain SOME of the information contained in the original.  You can manually merge the game files yourself, but you can't not simply overwrite one with the other.

OK guys I was able to diagnose and solve the problem. Apparently installing Strive in my Program Files directory screwed things up and denied admin access to the mod attempting to change the install directory, coz my Windows 7 install has some issues.

I simply installed the game elsewhere without admin restrictions and now I've gotten it to work. The error log no longer throws up anything except this: 

All in all I'm happy I can at last try out this mod, thanks for all the help guys :D

That makes a lot of sense, since most of the errors were file access errors.  Not sure about the bytecode error, possibly its a syntax error in one of the files, but it's not self-explanatory.  If another error appears during gameplay, it may be more insightful.

Does this mod work with the latest version of Strive? I'm trying to use Version 0.5, I'm guessing that is the most stable version. It partially disables the menu, and makes the game unplayable(I cant even make a new character). Any ideas?

(1 edit)

I think the OP makes it pretty clear that the mod works only with the version 0.5.22 that is also available in the OP.

No, it does not currently work with the most recent release.  Side note, 0.5 is not a complete version number.  The latest release is 0.5.25, while this mod works with 0.5.22. (although I believe the author is working on updating it)


That makes sense after I reread the description. Thank you for the help.

(1 edit)

Quick Update:

Due to the fact that my new mod is essentially a rewrite from the ground floor up for greater compatibility and changes some of the core items in this (replacing them with better balanced options, I think), I am going to release the mod under a separate thread as "Aric's Expansion: The Re-Expansioning". I have been trying to get all of the new features that are replacing the ones from this old version updated first, but its been too long since my last release and that's bugging me (and maybe some of you as well). I will try to get it updated in a couple of days!

A couple of the new, working features:

Multiple picture per slave support (You can now set Full Body images for Naked and Pregnant that will switch between them automatically based on the slave's status)

Working Traitlines (Not all of the planned ones yet, but 4-6 are in and operations.

Dialogue Replacers (D-d-do you like your scared slaves to stutter? Or do -like-  you want Ditzy slaves to, like, talk differently? Maybe you're annoyed that Foul Mouth slaves never fucking cuss? Well...they do now)

Partial Nudity (Just want them titties showing? Fan of asses but want the rest covered? You can partially strip slaves now)

See yourself nude (Because that was brought up to me, and I try to listen to the will of the people. No strip button, its just a "You know that underneath your clothes you have XXX. do?)

New Descriptions/Body Parts (Lips, Assholes plus new sizes for Pussies, Penises, Balls, and Tits)

Sizes matter in sex scenes! (This may overpower sex scenes slightly, but lip sizes positively/negative affect blowjobs, Small Penises+Big Vaginas/Asses = less pleasure while the reverse gives more pleasure and a chance of stretching the orifice. To be honest, I expect some unexpected bugs/results from this but it seems okay for now)

And more: coming soon to a mod thread near you!

God yes

...I didn’t announce it because I’m not 100% it won’t shatter the game yet, but...*unless it shatters the game*...Hybrid Races.

I am most looking forward to the size matters add on.  Will there be associated traits with it?  It would be nice if you got birth traits like snug/loose fit and learned traits like size queen/small size lover.

Also will there be any new dialogue with the system?  People reacting to the sizes in positive or negative ways?

Hi, just a quick question about the next update. Will this update be for version 5.24c or for version 5.25?

With high regards,


It is going to be for 5.25.

There is going to be related Dialogue, but sizing traits aren’t going to be implemented in this version. If requested, I can make them as a Display/reference, but they are shown and described during the “Slave Description” panel and I didn’t want to overload the trait panel (as there are already other traits being added).

There is a Fetishes system that is implemented, though again it isn’t displayed in Traits and rather is shown under its own category in Statistics Panel. Same reasoning as above, but both are easily changed to Traits if that’s what people prefer. Just trying to make it feel additive without overwhelming.

Related to that, the “Incest” and “Size Matters” systems already has the potential for major arousal/lust changes during sex. I don’t want to break the system so I’m releasing the sex system changes without adding in the sizing fetish preferences, but after I think there is a decent balance with the sizing sensitivity system then they will also gain/lose arousal in certain size-related actions that match their preferences.

Hope that clarifies and don’t hesitate to ask anything else about it!

Would you be able to hook in to this new system and create game events based on the parameters?  Like if characters has size x and other character has size x chance to trigger event?  I wouldn't mind writing a few but I don't know if events can be tied to to systems like this or traits.

It is very possible, can I have an example of what you’re thinking about regarding events?

Best example would be something like sph.  If your master has a small penis and the slave  has a large penis it could trigger an event that could lower loyalty.

is there a new full change list I can read somewhere ?

also, is there any way to change a slaves vagina or anus sizes?

For the existing mod (5.22), there isn’t a well done changelog. That’s one thing I’m fixing in the new version as I rewrite it. The old version was a lot of me going “Ooh, wait, I can make it do this? That’d be fun!” and not writing down my changes. Looking back, that’s just as frustrating for me as it is for you guys.

Resizing can happen in the old version via the “Kegels”, but only for Vaginas.

There is a dialogue option in the new version that can resize anuses and vaginas that is tied into the new conversation checks.

Any chance we can get some ability to do that with the lab or potions in future? I'm trying to breed genetically perfect super slaves

I can give a very intended, but tentative, yes. In a future version that is entirely my goal. I’ll have to learn how the lab script works well enough to put it in without breaking anything first though.

Have fun, good luck, and let me know what bugs pop up!

I think this mod disables Bandages(I can't use them on any individual). I also can't figure out how to stop all of my slaves being mindless whores . . . What a problem to have, I know. The semen, squirt, and pubisant ingredients/potions don't seem to work. I look forward to future updates as the final version of this game draws near. 

I'm using v5.22b of this mod and game.

Any help with the above issues would be appreciated.

you can download the newest version from their patreon its 5.25

that could possibly be why since you using an older version?

it doesn't work with 5.25. The mod description says so(at least at the time) and the game crashes every time I tried. It doesn't really matter sense the Aric's Rebred Mod came out to largely overhaul Arics Mod. The overly horny slaves being the more annoying problem to have, considering you get the Heal spell after a few days in game.

I dunno if its just me but, one thing i did find that was a bug/spelling mistakes, but my character if a futa and the girl im having sex with has lactating breast, when i use the milker on her the text is rather odd, it says "You moaned as your tits lactated while being (action)"


This version is no longer supported as all of my effort is going into the Aric’s Expansion ReBred. Are you using that version (with 5.25) or this (with the 5.22)?

Ah my apologies, this was supposed to be place into your other artic post, i didnt look at the title of the mod properly all i saw was arics expansion

No problem! I’ll look into it and see what’s up with the text flow