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(9 edits)


Found something weird... ever since Devil appeared his name was visible, but he just introduced himself now so, shouldn't his name be like "???" or "Unknow" or wathever like that UNTIL he introduces himself? haha

Edit: dunno if it was meant to be sarcastic/funny or something like that - the CG doesn't seems so -, but Devil already said my name and then he asks again at a later time, wanting an introduction... it weirded me out bahaha

Also, when other people besides me or Devil talk - so far -, there's no indication of who's taking... I mean the name that shows above the text, even if it's just like Guard 1 or Guard 2, there's no such indication :P

Oh, besides, when I use the back function, if there's any music playing, it stops - even if it was playing on the previous text - and when I get back to where I used the back function, there's still no music... it doesn't starts again.

Another edit: so, Devil said they do use magic in Hell and HE (the MC) ASKED NOTHING ABOUT IT MAN!? wtf

"You get one role, and it makes sense-at least, as far as I've seen." a space is missing here, as "sense-at" isn't a word :P

And when the MC thinks about his house, he thinks "It's a traditional shape and make."... the fck is that? bahaha 

my English isn't very good and Google didn't helped understand it LOL

Missing space again on those - yeah, now is letting me paste images LOL

(2 edits) (+1)

The first one is a change that will be going live tonight. I figured out how to do that today xD actually, most of this feedback is helpful bc of the changes I'm making tonight!!

I need to make clear the voice at the beginning doesn't actually belong to Devil. Good point. 

I'm adding guard sprites and nametags tonight as well! More sketch than sprite but I thought it would be helpful there too!

Yeah, there's a discussion of magic that I haven't implemented yet. Bc i can't decide if the reaction is WTF MAN or like... *panic* or... anyways, it's a character moment I need to make sure I get right. That is most definitely going to be in an update!

"sense-at" should've had an em dash--thanks for the catch!

*edit* also!!! The stops on the audio is intentional, as I have heard very mixed things about long audios in VNs... originally the sounds played through most of the scene it started in. Is that more chill than I assumed? Did you wish it played for the entire scene?

oh, glad to hear it helped

hmmm yeah, u should implement the magic dialogue in a way that really fits the story... I mean, it's smooth at the moment, really makes u feel it, so better keep that - for me, it's more like a "WTF, MAGIC! How? Show me!", considering magic isn't really a ordinary stuff for us bahaha dunno what u plan tho

about the music, I mean like, on text 2 started a music, but on text 1 I clicked before reading, then I used the "back" and the music stoped, as expected, but when back to text 2 - where the music was supposed to start - it was still silence...

hope I made mysef clear LOL

And maybe there's a bug on audio more than this one I tried explaining, considering most of my playtime there was no music - even with it turned on

I do like a bit of silence on some scenes, but only when it mixes well with the story - like, for suspense purposes, on a romance scene or a very high adrenaline scene (those parts that it seems like time stop and stuff similar), but overall I do prefer a bg noise...moreso if the music is good haha

it felt really weird to play the demo with almost only silence '-'


so i have discovered ren'py has trouble differentiating "-" and "—", so I found some more of those errors and fixed em! i was like... now wait a minute