THE ART WAS GORGEOUS. I WISH I had you as my artist. I tried to warn you about the game bug that costed(possibly) you your chance of winning. I should've spammed you more man. Ugh, I wish I could've told you sooner. I literally downloaded your game 6 min after you published it. Played it, and discovered the bug :((((( YOU SHOULD'VE WON THIS!!!! Your game had far better quality than mine. The music was wonderful, I felt like I was in town. The story was getting there and you built it up without being so cliche. (And I've seen horrible cliches)
And dam, that 3+ frame character you used. Galv plugin right? You know what had me stumped? The npc that used more than 3+ frame. I have been trying to figure that out and you somehow managed to do that. We gatta have this developer talk one day ahahah.
OH man, Your usage of mapping is incredible. The placements of your parrallax is genius. You literally nitpick ever square so that the art doesn't look weird as if the character was stepping on a weird "tile" or a wall.
Your usage of color was great and that's coming from a crappy pixel artist lol --- I felt alive.
The intro of your game was well done. You set the mood perfectly, leaving a mystery in someone's head, what's this? But you know what else impressed me when you use the rpg maker engine? How you were able to get a smooth tint when dimming the screen. The animation was fluid and I have been trying to figure that one out. We should definitely talk, developer to developer lol You should see what I tried to do when coming up with an alternative solution lol
But God dam, I'm feeling your pain cause as a developer, you put the hard work in and that one bug costed you a lot. I'm soooooo sorry man. I wish I could've warned you sooner :(((((((((
Well, if it helps. 5 Star. But seriously though, we should talk lol