Add me on discord. Yobobgames for the finnish translation. My game is called Harvest Island
I need game tester who know their native language: Japanese, Chinese, German, Turkish, Italian, French.
The game is called Harvest Island and I'm seeking game tester to proofread my current translation work. You'll be able to play the full game, but must play in your language. You will also be credited as a LQA. This is a volunteering job.
Add me on discord if you are interested.
Discord: yobobgames
I'm looking for a Japanese and German Translator for my game Harvest Island. The game has more than 50k words.
Please contact me through discord yobob#7325
or through email contact@yobobgames.com
Thanks haha. I watched it. When you pet the animals, you're expending bless. Pet more, get more yield. The pets only work once a day. You can see it with the heart. Items respond, so there's no glich. It just responded quicker and I need to balance that. I really recommend finishing the demo. The ending will surprise you... because it's not a typical farming game. The story you're expecting, it's more than what you can imagine.
I've made a recent blog, Stardew Valley Animals and Harvest Island Aquatics, of my game but haven't opened a itch page for Harvest Island yet. I will probably do it when I can get a good demo out to play.