>Using X to open the menu in the opening scene causes the intro dialog to replay upon closing it. Also I don't get the point of the animals in the intro room when you can use the menu to save/change settings
I used a plugin to skip the normal title screen and with auto run events, it makes it run again. There isn't a fix and not using auto run wouldn't make it first person. Even when variables are used with common events, it will always run through everything again. It's a problem with the plugin I can't do anything about. The animals are there to fill up space and to be more aesthetic, to also allow people to easily get stuff at the title area insted of having to deal with the menu right at the start of the game.
>I really couldn't get used to the controls. A/D to rotate 90 degrees makes it annoying to enter a door that I am facing that is a single square to my right. I think I would've enjoyed the game much more if it had standard first-person controls, or at least if wasd just performed movement and rotating was mapped to different hotkeys altogether.
MV3D has movement like that, nothing I can really do as trying to alter how the movement works crashes MV3D. If you have sprint-auto turned on or are sprinting, you can move without it fully turning 90 degrees which makes it feel so much smoother. I highly recommended you use auto-sprint as that is what I used most of the time while playing and developing it.
>I liked the rpg combat. Mostly pretty standard, but I liked the additions that were there. Starting with 3 actions was nice for getting to the good part quicker and making the counters and utility moves better options.
Thank you, I tried a lot to change things up to be faster.
The first thing I made was the Tutorial and getting that all set up. I don't see why there would be a need to skip the tiny intro part that lasts 30 seconds max on a new playthrough, but if more people want it, then I can add it.
>Outside of some placeholder menu sprites, visuals overall were nice for creating that surreal atmosphere that rpgmaker games seem to often aim for
I put a lot of effort into trying to make better tile sets and graphics. I know I do use one or two placeholders, but it's something meant only as a placeholder for the demo and isn't in the full game.
>Some typos in the intro ("The demon you conquored (conquered) ...", ...to resue (rescue) Sarah...", "Please continute (continue) on."
I actually missed some of those while proof reading, thank you for telling me about this, I'll have to edit my project and check everything just in case there is any more.
>Had some trouble reading the fonts
I mainly used this font for the medieval type of feel as part of the presentation. When using caps, it is harder to read, but it's readable enough for me. I know I won't use it in any future games, but I liked how it look aesthetically.