Cool to see a rpgmaker game first person. Its my first time playing something that uses the engine for that
- Using X to open the menu in the opening scene causes the intro dialog to replay upon closing it. Also I don't get the point of the animals in the intro room when you can use the menu to save/change settings
- I really couldn't get used to the controls. A/D to rotate 90 degrees makes it annoying to enter a door that I am facing that is a single square to my right. I think I would've enjoyed the game much more if it had standard first-person controls, or at least if wasd just performed movement and rotating was mapped to different hotkeys altogether.
- I wish the tutorial was skippable or at least partially skippable up to the point that it introduces mechanics unique to the game.
- I liked the rpg combat. Mostly pretty standard, but I liked the additions that were there. Starting with 3 actions was nice for getting to the good part quicker and making the counters and utility moves better options.
- Outside of some placeholder menu sprites, visuals overall were nice for creating that surreal atmosphere that rpgmaker games seem to often aim for
- Some typos in the intro ("The demon you conquored (conquered) ...", resue (rescue) Sarah...", "Please continute (continue) on.")
- Had some trouble reading the fonts