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Can't pick up the mushroom that looks like diggers meat. 0/10.

In all seriousness though, I'm a huge gothic fan (Like the first game more than the second one) and I really liked your game a lot. Didn't finish the entire thing yet. Got into the camp, talked to what I presume was a leader and got all the armor through placeholder dialogue, but I explored quite a bit before getting there.

First the bugs. I was fighting the kobolds near the trash heap below the farms and the combat music started playing all the time. Combat tracks switched, but it was like I never left combat.

I don't use english keyboard layout so the 1 key for pulling out weapon doesn't work. Works fine if I switch to english keyboard, but it would be nice thing to sort this out. Not a big deal.

Torch flame effect seems to disapear and reapear every few seconds.

Save name gets erased / replaced by SaveGame_0 if you click save button right after saving with custom save file name. Game saves and loads normaly, just the name gets replaced.

There seems to be a problem with visible character names. Only Eplons name is visible if you look at him, every one else has no name above their model. Including monsters.

There were some mistakes with dialogue. Mainly the camera not changing to correct character in some conversations and some missing strings. Mainly in the quest where you give wine to farmers. They only say <missing string table entry>.

That's about all I found. Everything else works wonderfuly. Never got stuck, never crashed, performance was alright, except the part where you get out of the ruins for the first time, but the dip was only minor.

Graphics are alright, but inconsistent in some places. Mainly the terrain and character textures don't look like they fit completely, but that's a minor thing since the difference in quality is not that big.

Combat is pretty much like gothic without the horrible lock on. Makes fighting multiple enemies easier. I also hope you decide to add multiple attack animations depending on characters weapon skill.

The island it self is nice. A bit too small perhaps, but fully packed with items and enemies around every rock, stump or corner. Personaly, I would try to limit the field of view by separating individual areas by tall mountains or trees in so the player can't see from one end of the island to another, or experiment with radial fog. Could give a nice illusion of the island being bigger that it really is without having to enlarge it.  Forest looks great. It still amazes me how small developers can make better looking forests than big studios. 

Now for the suggestions. Deffinitely add quick save / load function. Saving manualy all the time gets tiring. Or just make us able to navigate the menu with movement keys and rearange the buttons so that save button is at the top. Saving would be a matter of pressing esc and enter twice.

Adding a "loot all" key would be nice. There is no weight limit so there is no point in not taking everything.

Other than that, I would like to see the game expanded in general. Larger island, more enemies, more dungeons, more magic items, more more more.

And here are some "wild" suggestions / ideas. Being able to customise our character visualy in some way would be nice. Barber NPC selling different hairstyles or hair dyes or ability to dye our clothes / armor. Adding some utility skills from gothic would also be nice, like pickpocketing, butchering animals or acrobatics for better jumping and lower fall damage. Also some endgame spells for traversing the land, like limited levitation, speed potions or jump potion. Some kind of crafting / cooking system might also work.

Overall, I'm really impressed. I will deffinitely be following this project and I hope you continue working on it.

Thank you very much for playing.

Placeholder Dialogue should not exist, it should be fully working, same with the missing string table entries. I'll look into that, must've accidentally messed something up there.

Torch flame, Save name and dialogue cameras sound like Bugs, I'll fix those. The combat music playing constantly during kobol fight probably means you were in combat for the whole time, with some kobold somewhere being stuck or something maybe. I'll see if I can reproduce that.

You can rebind the keys how you see fit, can you tell me which keyboard layout you're using, and what key specifically isn't working? It should work with all standard letter keyboards for all I know.

I see about radial fog and quicksaves, but there won't be any more content then what is there, or any extra skills etc, the Game is basically complete how it is ( apart from the obvious bugs like the ones you found) and some missing soundeffects/intro/outro, I submitted this Time to catch and fix the last remaining Bugs before release. 

Thank you very much for playing and finding all these Bugs!


That's a shame, but I understand. What you have there is already great. Hope you decide to make a sequel one day.

The kobold battle music lasted through out the rest of the game. Finished some quests in the camp, fought some more enemies, but the music never ended. There was probably some enemy stuck somewhere.

I use czech keyboard layout:

Rebinding works fine and switching to eng keyboard layout does the trick too. Anyway, this is not just a problem with your game. I have the same problem with some bigger games too. Most of them seem to be in the U4 engine.

I played a little more and found another possible bug. Dryads in the swamp get stuck after the first parry and I can just hit them over and over without them retaliating. Also, "test" starts appearing in the left corner when that happens.

Tried talking to mercenary leader and he works alright. It's the guard leader who just lets me join instantly and gives me all armor pieces for free.

Anyway, I really like your game. Will wait for you to patch those bugs and I will try to finish the whole thing.

If the battle music lasted, it might also be a bug with the music player. I'll look that up, thank you.

If the keybind issues persist through other UE4 Games, I don't think I can easily do much about that, sorry.

Dryads shouldn't be permastunned, you are right on that. Also thank you for specifying the guard leader, I'll be sure to adress that and the other dialogue options and whatever else comes up thats basically gamebreaking as soon as possible.

Thank you again for playing and finding those Bugs!