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As was said before, short and sweet. The writing was far from perfect, but it does the job. Also, more games should start with a character's hat falling off and catching fire. Great way to begin any story, really.

I love the art style in particular. The characters vaguely remind me of Seinen manga, and the backgrounds have a lovable sketchy charm to them.

The choices clearly don't matter, which I think is fine by itself-- my main complaint is that there could've been a bit more flair for the "wrong" choices. Even a little pun, or a line of dialogue being changed in the final scene would be enough. The short little dialogue with Reisen works though, and I think more of that kind of dry humor would help.

In short, 'twas nice.

Thanks :D I'm glad people like the backgrounds. Im not entirely well at doing backgrounds. The art was mostly inspired by the artist of Dr stone and Sun ken Rock. Ill be sure to add some more stuff in postjam or just make a remaster of the game