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Just purchased this to play around with, really interesting generator! I really like the results for "gas giant 2", could you add an option to remove the rings? Thanks.

I'm not sure if I have the know how or ambition, but I'd like to be able to generate planets this way in game maker rather than make sprite sheets. Could you point me in the right direction to research this? I'm assuming this is all done with shaders, which I have no clue about.

Again, great tool & thank you!

Thanks for the donation! Yeah, I I can add an option for that, I'll add it in a future update.

Yes, this is all done with shaders, if you're starting out with those I recommend the Book of Shaders. Also check out Shadertoy for some cool stuff you can do with shaders.

Glad you like it!

Hey, just added an update that should allow you to disable the ring layer.