Herbert is dead.
Sorry, hook sentence. He’s not actually dead. Well, as far as we know…
Before I go any further I just want to say that I've only read the routes of GIl, Lars, and Parker. And have skimmed through the episodes of Gil, Lars (special too), and Mark. Meaning I do not have all of the necessary information of the story, so please correct me if any of the assumptions I have made are wrong (they probably are).
The reason I bring up the idea of Herbert's death is because of the insinuations that he is in fact dead. He’s not ever physically seen besides in flashbacks, and has not talked to Walter directly (besides Herbert saying he’s busy over the phone to Walter when his dad called Walter). Also Walter's dad said that Herbert is dead but then quickly said he was joking. Apparently it’s an inside joke they have going on but I believe there’s more to it (although I may be looking too deep).
Walter could have accidentally killed Herbert in the so-called “Incident” we know of but I believe this isn’t too accurate as to the fact that everybody in his life is acting far too casually. Unless everyone is just VERY dedicated to not let Walter know anything. Herbert is most likely alive and just has a distant relationship with Walter but the MASSIVE amount of information in Lars day 9 tells me that they have more than just a distant relationship. I obviously won't get into it because it’s Patreon only content as of right now, but boy was I ASTRONOMICALLY SHOCKED when I read the update. There is also the fact that Walter and Herbert could be the same person or possibly got switched? But that's really unclear. It still seems like a pretty valid question to ask, especially since they are identical twins.
Of course there's other big questions such as,
“Why are people coming after Walter?”
“What does Walter’s pendant mean?”
“Why are family names such as Learnard and McGrath so important”
“Why are strangers like Tora and Andrew so WEIRD???”
“What’s up with the house that Lars squatted by?”
“Did Gil and Walter’s dad (Edgar) have sex?!?!?!”
“Why is everyone so damn inconspicuous?!”
Sorry, that was a lot of questions. And hopefully they will be answered in due time BECAUSE THEY KEEP ME UP AT NIGHT. But all in all I believe that the question of the “Incident” and Walters relationship with Herbert is the most important.
Anyways, if you’re still here, thanks.
Also, any and all comments building upon the fascinating lore of AFCL would be appreciated!