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A member registered Jun 19, 2022

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I guess Owen is addicted to anti-depressiva, maybe the strong stuff that helps against panic-attacks. A bunch of people who take strong psychotropic drugs become chubby.

Parts of the Furry Community proving again how toxic they can be.

I wish health and strength to all the authors and writers who got to deal with this typ of $hit.

It changes dependin on progress. In general "low" mean, you hardly pass any checks. Very low mean: no point investment at all (3). "Med" means you pass most ez checks with item support and the stat matters practically in combat. "High" mean this stat is you main-attack rescource and pass any checks.

First chapter:

low: 3-4;  med: 5-6;  high: 8+

Second chapter:

very low: 3; low: 4-5; med: 6-8;  high: 9-12;  very high: 12+ 

Yoshi Guide is great. And if you crunch the numbers for each decision:

If you want to maximize your Rewards after the War, while keeping the loss of life to the minimum: It is better to meet Thane and go to the Bulltribe FIRST, without getting the Quest from Naxus. Then kill the Spy: The Plan

If you want to make EVERYONE survive, you cannot get Nauxus relatioship on the neutral ending. 

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Yes. According to Patreon, he is taking a break to cook up ways  to improve the writing. It seems he has been unsatisfied with the Quality of his own writing.

Asmund is dead. THere is no coming back. Unless we get some timetravel or "dive-into-afterlive" Plot he is gone.

There already is Rasmus Route. Just make sure he wins the election.  Do the players get a sexy scene with him? Time will tell.

Rune can be topped if you fullfill certain requirements.

And thats means you already screwed it. Help Nauxus with the Rogue Liazrds. Dont talk to Thane. If you somehow get asked by Axel to deliver the bomb , just decline.

(2 edits)

A few Change in my Guide (01.05.2024):


1. Soulelixier: 20-30 boerc.

2. Lave Stone: 40-50 boerc. (Edit: Important later to upgrade Fire Enchantment to Level 2 !!)

3. Murphy Hand: 70-90 boerc. (Edit: Recieved a  Buff.  It is now very usefull against Bosses, because you only recieve +2 Corruption per Fight instead +1  per Attack. Also adds +3 DEF!!)

It has become slightly more difficult to win on the first bit. Savescumming does not always help you. Still it is possible to get all item.  Just bring a lot of beer and rum with you. Alcoholic drink help to increase your Lust toward 90-100 to get the maximum payment at the brothel.

Tree Monster:

HP Potion are more or less useless / too weak. Your Healing Spell "bind up" only works well enough with high END, DEF and INT. With high AGI you can also try to savescum to victory.

(EDIT: Since the Overhaul of the Combat System, this fight has become even more difficult without Goo-Armor.  You definitly need to visit the Bathhouse to double your HP before the fight !!  "Bind up" has become useless. Use your MP for Leaping Slash or Holy Fist instead. Try to deafeat him before your Lifepoints run out.  If this is still not enough, return back later long after the war with improved Stats.)

On next Playthorough i may try out the fire enchantment.

I beat him down to 2200 (with STR 15) and there was no reward...

Maybe it's an important part of the story/plot of his "mother".

I suppose the Dragon is immun against "Flirt"?

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this Version: 

- Meet the Bull Tribe first and kill the Spy

- Create the FEAR- Smokebomb, while fighting for the Lizards.

- Help Nauxus to make peace with the other Liazrds

- Bring the Fruits to the Bull tribe.

END: Nauxus 3 :  Axel 2

It's a great problem for all FVN created by Chinese author/Programmer. Since some chinese Miniter come up with the idea to "better protect the youth and integretiy of China" any Furry or LGBTQ Content in generell is "hunted down".

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This is a tierlist mostly made of sympathie and who i am rooting for. Writing and generell Charcter Consistency is secondary. Therefore Ryan, carebear, and Blake, laidbackwolf are high rated because of personal bias. Russel is potentially the best written and most complex charcter among the cast (S-Tier). However The Combination of the most stubborn and somewhat least caring guy puts him into D Tier; 

Joel is also a very good MC with bunch of flaws. Physicalls and emotional week but knowledgable, brave/determent and wise for his age making him a reliable and useful Partymember.  He still suffer from the "Not-enough-talking about-my-feelings" Syndrom like many Protagonist. Similiar to Dave from Password he always pretend to be fine. Anyway Joel remains one of the very best MC in FVN i read so far.

Techniclly Finished

- Extracurricular Activities (Main Routes)

- In case of Emergency

- Deer and Deckards by Kulplant

- Password by Grizz !

- Lyre (first Book)

- Dragon Island by Kulplant (on Steam)

- Only I Have Skills (with grain of salt...)


- Strokkur

- Steadfast

- Clawstar Wrestling !

- Before you depart

Close to be finished:

- Heatsource

- Shelter

Yes he is. I really would like him to appear in FurryBara Academy....

If you want to really abuse the trading you have to write down the prices on each buying location at least 5times, to keep track of it. To get a feeling about the prices.

For lazy people - here are a few hotspots:

- Supllies are rather Cheap on Jusei, White Dough and Slusland. Can be sold in Goattown and TeaLand.

- Laquaware from Kanraku may cost around 300-800 Coins. If lucky you can sell in Tealand for 700-1400. Jade Dildo are the same. Buy them from Kanraku for 300-500 and sell them at Tealand or somewhere else for 900+

- Goldware from Jusei or Beads from Slusland can be sold to  White Dough quite safely. I think Goldware got the highest win-margine in the game.

- Goattown is tricky. But if Mercuray drop under the 300 mark, its worth a try to sell it to Kanraku.

- When Tea goes under 150/200 coins, sell it to Kanraku for 300-500 coins.

In Generall, save the game before you buy tones of goods. Then sail to you desination. If the prize does not meet you exspectations, just reload.

It likly the reader will never see Kiliigans mom for a long time. Potential Spoilers.

I assume that Killigan is half Bovilian and half Demon. 

1) Basicly his Father is his real biological dad and his mom is either a demon or infertile bolivian and used a demon instead. 

2) Alternetivly Killiggan real father is a demon and his mom only uses Killigan "Father" as a model to create her child.

(3 edits)
Before you buy: 

a) Play the Demo. You can get it on Steam itself of

b) Read this Review. ;)

c) For everyone who never played a game made by RenPy or Unity: 

d) Press TAB to skip already seen dialog. Use Mousewheel to rollback or rollforth the dialog. Before you do that: Save the game. Most of the crashes have been taken care of by the patch.


The Demo already sets the tone, that this game is not just some Slice of Life or Dating Novel, but an investigation. The game is basicly Ace Attorny light + easier, a single big case other three and half days. On Top of that you got some erotic Scenes (a few of them sfw) to uncover. It is a Gay Furry/Bara Novel after all!

The gameplay is simple: You walk around the Island (by clicking on the Map) and talk to the other character. On very few occasion you can find some hints just by entering a room or listening on a door. There are a handful quicktime Events and Mini-Quest. If the controls or response are clunky, just rollback or save before the Event to practice. Buttonmash your Mouse also helps.  It's possible to cheese some timed events by rolling back. In the evening you got "Questiontime". Similiar to Ace Attorny, you can "hold it" and occasionally present Evidence from your Notes. Depending on how you do you get diffrent Endings. The firrst playthrough took me two days, roughly 14 hours playtime.

The Art and Music is atmospheric, beautiyful and fits very well. There a dozens of Scene you can unlock. With the multitude of Endings, it got quite some replay value. Do not expect many nsfw cgi Scences. 

I liked the game a lot but i also understand the many disappointed downvotes that may follow, some examples:

- For a game that costs 15€, there are still grammatical and spelling errors. Like: Asien Developer tried to finish the game with google translator before the deadline. For a non-native english Speaker that is not a big deal. Will be solved by future patches anyway.

- "The Plot and the Villain are "cartoonish" "; Correct. And if you had played the Demo, you would have known. One of the Characters even pointed that out that the villains had behaving like a badly written cartoon character.

- "It feels impossible to get a good ending without a guide": Incorrect. I got the good ending on my second playthrough without any guides. (Although some savescumming on several occasions). The game does hold your hand in the evening Questiontime, making it slightly easier than Ace Attorney. But it is not fully linear. If you missed crucial investigation, the game cannot help you to fix it. On very rare occasion you can try another angle though.

- "Only 30 saves....": Thats quite limited for a game made with RenPy. I cannot argue against that. But at least there is a Gallery with unlocked Scene.


I found the Game very enjoyable (8 out of 10) and i got what i expectad and wanted. It is an lighthearted Investigation Game; a bunch of Loveable and sexy characters pited against each other tying to win a silly game of uncovering the "bad guy". 

The Big Downside for most people: The Price of nearly 16$.  If the game would have been six/seven gamedays long instead of just three, with more outdoor activities and character developmont ->  Absolutly worth it. 

My Recommendation:

- Playing the Demo is a basicly a must. 

- Maybe wait for more Patches until April?

Maybe Chester is an asshole. But maybe he is secretly (forced into) working as a prostetue or "personal trainer" to make extra money to keep his shop alive. 

(4 edits)

The Effort to flash out 4 Diffrent Route's Romances  is quite insane with limited gain.  I assume Its already difficult and stressing enough to keep up with the plot and art. Writing Romance or the infamous Love-Triangle on top of that is... a hugh timesink. 

The middle option would be to let Eyvind pick 1-2 Characters as Squadmates simliar to Mass Effect or Dragon Age Origin in later Parts of the Game. That allows to write Campfire and Romance/Aventure Scene. But even that compromise is already a momumental task. Not only would Caro have to write 3-4 diffrent sets of scene for the Rest of the Entire Novel, depending on loveinterest, but he also need small changes to Eyvind:

 Commiting/choosing a certain Side changes Eyvind; removes or enforces his "blankslate MC status" -> meaning the Eyvind who helped Axel got slightly diffrent motivation and priority as the Eyvind who choose to add Nauxus most of the time. THe Eyvind who makes peace is more likly to be more thoughtful and  compasionate. This makes Writing for Eyvind way more complicated, cause the dialog and action by Eyvind  must be somewhat logical and consistent with any kind of Eyvind you choose to play.

Therefore I prefer the writers to advance the Plot and Eyvind Story at their pace and leave the non-essential Romance Stuff and romantic SideQuest for a) bonus content or b) when the writer experience a mental blockade (temporary loss of motivation, writing/creative problems, RL-Stuff).

For me this game is regionblocked on Steam. Will this game by avaible on itch, too?

(5 edits)

Basic Combatguide:

Who do we win a Fight? Get the enemy HP to 0 before your Hero's HP hits 0. However there is LUST and Charisma. So we can also win by increase the Enemy Lust to 100 before our Hero's Lust hits 100 or his HP hits 0.  

Quite often some Bosse got far more HP when the Hero. We need our Bind up / Healing Spelll to compensate. Our Healing Spell cost mana and got an cooldown.  If the Enemy inflitcst more damage when the Hero can patch himself up: the Hero will lose. Therefore our Hero needs to level up to increase his overall AttackPower and Stats to increase Atk or Survivibility even further.  The Hero got 3 way to attack the enemy: Per STR, MAG or CHA.  So to maximize our Attack, we only need one of the three Stats most of the time. At the Moment STR is the best choice for the beginning and remains strong throughout the game. CHA gets more powerfull but doesnt work against all enemies. Its rather uselss to build a Character who excels in both STR and CHA at the same time. So when creating a Hero, focus on STR or CHA. Rule: Jack-of-all-Trade-Character are weak.

Let's talk about Defense. On Paper, AGIlity seem to be the most powerful stat because it increase Atk by 2 and Crit + Dodge by 2%. But its not realiable. ENDurance however is. END give HP, DEF and increase the power of our healing spell just like MAG!.  For Character you like to attack with CHA/Flirt or even MAGic the +2 Atk power by AGI is somewhat wasted. 

Example Buildes:

Warrior: Max STR + medium END; Use your Basic attack and Bind up when needed. The base build of this guide and very able to defeat the first Boss with Savescumming. The best starting build at the moment. Very effective when playing the Peace and the Bull-Route.  Start: STR 8, AGI 5 or 6, END 4 or 5. Endgame: STR 15; AGI 7; END 8.

Cutthroat: Max AGI + high STR; Risky Playstyle, Save-scum-Build.  Overwhelm the Enemy with Leaping Slash and powerful crits. Start: STR 8, AGI 7.

Cleric: High CHA + High END + medium INT; A very tough Build but very low damage against certain Enemies that cannot be flirted with.  Synergie only with the Peace Ending. Start:  END 5; CHA 7;   

Warlock: High INT + High END;  another very tough build with the most powerful bind up + Holy Fist Spell.  Good Damage against nearly all enemies. Most effective with the Peace or Lizard Route.


Bind up: Basic Healing Spell. Use on cooldown to stay alive in tough fights. Become more powerfull with high INT + END. Dont forget to drink MP Potion in difficult Boss Battle. Becomes useless if the Enemy does way more damage when you can heal.

Defend: Defend when the Boss-Enemy is charging up an powerful attack. Character with high INT but very low STR use this to buy time while Holy Fist is on cooldown.

FLIRT: Your CHA Attack Skill. Become your Basic Attack if you prefer CHA over STR.

Hold Fist (Learned from Meko after Witer Ghost Quest on day 6):  Your Main attack against Ghost. Also the MainAttack for High INT + low STR characters.

Wolf Stance: Decrease your damage taken by around 10-20% while your physical attack power severly drops by nearly 30%-40%. Usefull when you prefer to attack with FLIRT (or Holy Fist) only! 

Leaping Slash (learned at level 3): Strike with around 40-50% more physical power. Exceptional high Damage with Criticals. However the very high MP cost of 30 makes it useless in most fights. 30 MP are better used for Bind up. However: If the enemy is so powerfull that healing yourself ("Bind up and Healing Potions") becomes futile, spam Leaping Slash instead. Kill the Boss before he kills you. Good Example: Fighiting the Swamp Boss without Goo-armor.

Sweep: Physical Strike against multiple enemies. 50MP Cost is very high. Still the better Choice when fighting against more than one enemy at once.

Fantasize: If you want to lose on purpose by Lust. Not recommended in a serious fight.

Thanks for the Warning and honesty. I like Spooky Thriller (Moonlight Castle, Tavern of the Spear's Dungeons) but dislike Horror Stuff with amputation or gore (ECHO).

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[Disclaimer: I am not a patreon voter, yet]. For me it would be a tough decision between voting for Damir or Oswalt. I suppose many voters, who like chubby and big muscle, feel the same.

I once speculated that there might be a final route, a fourth, that will combine the progrss of all the other Routes. 

And it isn’t like game adresses it as n tasteful way either. On the contrary it endorses such behavior which kinda insulting, honestly. According to it its okay to be a promiscuous slut, which is further reinforces harmful stereotypes for gay community. It either has to adress this sort of thing or left it offscreen entirely, cuz as it stands now, it just not a good look.

Would you kindly provide an example, pls.

For me the MC is just an 18-20 years old, who is barely out of puberty, who got surrounded by buff military furry guys, that fit exactly his liking. Of course he can barely keep his thoughts out of his gutter. Nothing to be  ashemd of.

(6 edits)

To 1: Sex Scene can the the right way to begin a story. In some Sci-Fi Universe like Battletech and even  Star Ship Trooper, Sex is a casual Thing between comrade. With the always looming thread on the horizon (plague) and focus on military and war - life is short and cheap. So the characters in this universe enjoy while they can. 

To 2: When i look on the first day you are entirely correct. After the first dinner on day one between the two, the day basicly ends with just a deal. This can be easily fixed with some extra narration. However your asssements. However its a crucial mistake by both parties not just Calbex. On day two, Calbex provide moral support. After that he is cut off by the MCs tamper tantrum. Thats my only issus with the story: Dispite all the MCs dissapponitment by the bombshell Calbex dropped at him, you dont throw a fit at your Knight!  And when Calbex called after him: "MC, wait!" the MC didnt listen. If Fen would have been the Knight, the MC would have been punished for disobyeing a direct order. The MC himself admits he acts like a child.


Day 1 evening can be easily /lazily fixed if Calbex just give the MC some Files or workout routine to learn. Can be done in just a few sentences...

Day2 + 3: The Outburst by both MC and Calbex seems to be a vital part of the story and their behaviour. A little bit more dialog my help, and not the "get angry and go to bed with bad mood - refuse to eloborate" - approach. 

Hello Bowser and Team.

I become fan of your novel just recently. I am also a furry wrestling fan. 

Would you allow me to a) use your characters for the wrestling game "Fire Pro Wrestling World 2017" and b) put them as CAWS/edits into the Steam Workshop?

Although the furry-wrestling community is very small, it may draw some attention to Chord Progression.

P.S: I am not a content creater/youtuber. 

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Is he even worth it?

The Writer can also waste his own and the reader's time by letting the MC throwing a fit and scream for weeks until he cooled down and accept that not all creature want to kill him.  Remeber what kind of audience FVN are for... 

It's better for the audience to connect to an Furry/animal loving MC, who accepts that fear/screaming and running away wont help him. A little bit of bravery allows the MC to gain respect from audience and the fictional characters alike.

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Next time on your second playthrough:


I won't download the Win.rar. Version, cause Windows Defenders reports a trojan.

Is there any exclusive benefit for staying neutral? Something Neither barbaric or noble can have?

I got these scene being neutral.

I did not romance Macen. 

With Homo-genized milk, of course.

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Liam Entrance / Streetfight

Liam Young Lion Gear

Liam Wrestling Gear

(1 edit)

Wyatt Entrance + Streetfight

Wyatt Young Lion Gear

Wyatt Wrestling Gear (shooter):

Wyatt Wrestling Gear (normal)