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(3 edits) (-1)

As sad as playing a f2p game off the back of p2p players (How do the devs earn their money? It is a business you know) and then coming on here and calling p2p players sad? smh. 

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

There are many players like me. Some pay during single events, some pay during EVERY event......and they keep the game going. Without p2p players you wouldn't have the game you're playing?!??  Anyway Im  just gonna sit here, play DL and enjoy a nice cup of your tears.  

Deleted 2 years ago

You're welcome ;) ......... and exactly ;)

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (-1)

I got into the DL/L0 after a month or so of playing without spending a penny. A few more weeks went by and I was still in the top 25.  After that I decided to spend a little and grow my collection as-well as giving a "contribution' as I liked the game so much. If you don't like that, well.......I really dont care lol
P.s. The only moron here is a f2p player coming on message boards moaning at a p2p player when the game the f2p player is playing is only there because of p2p players. smdh.

Deleted 2 years ago

Nothing wrong with people paying to enjoy themselves. We all have hobbies that we spend money on...