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The Imperial Harem Sticky

A topic by Hooligart created Jul 07, 2022 Views: 10,369 Replies: 34
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Desert deities have kidnapped the most beautiful concubines of The Imperial Harem. The Sultan is desperate and only a hero can help him rescue his most beautiful girls from captivity.

The Event is scheduled to begin on the night of July 8 at 00:01 (GMT).
Have a good game!

Play the Game

Copied from Stiffstone by  jonduh:

Goal list for this event:

Goal    Reward   Total   Description

 1/45       75      75   Defeat common event monster once

 2/45      100     175   Get 150 girls' cards

 3/45      125     300   Get 500 gold

 4/45      150     450   Level up any girls 3 times

 5/45      175     625   Defeat any monsters in any Dungeon rooms 10 times

 6/45      200     825   Defeat rare event monster once

 7/45      225    1050   Open an event chest once

 8/45      250    1300   Find any 60 rare cards

 9/45      275    1575   Defeat any event monsters 10 times

10/45      300    1875   Find 125 event common cards

11/45      325    2200   Get 1200 gold

12/45      350    2550   Level up event common card to level 5

13/45      375    2925   Defeat any monsters in the Dungeon rooms 20 times

14/45      400    3325   Level up any rare girls 1 times

15/45      425    3750   Open any 3 chests in the Shop

16/45      475    4225   Defeat epic event monster once

17/45      525    4750   Find 160 event rare cards

18/45      575    5325   Defeat any monsters in the Dungeon rooms 20 times

19/45      625    5950   Get 4800 gold

20/45      675    6625   Find any 60 epic cards

21/45      725    7350   Level up event rare card to level 5

22/45      775    8125   Open any 4 chests in the Shop

23/45      825    8950   Defeat any event monsters 25 times

24/45      875    9825   Level up any epic girls 2 times

25/45      925   10750   Get 1200 pirate silver

26/45     1000   11750   Defeat legendary event monster once

27/45     1075   12825   Find any 30 legendary cards

28/45     1150   13975   Find 90 event epic cards

29/45     1225   15200   Level up any legendary girls 3 times

30/45     1300   16500   Get 6400 gold

31/45     1375   17875   Defeat any event monsters 45 times

32/45     1450   19325   Find 50 event legendary cards

33/45     1525   20850   Get 2000 pirate silver

34/45     1600   22450   Defeat any monsters in the Dungeon rooms 20 times

35/45     1675   24125   Level up event epic card to level 5

36/45     1750   25875   Open any 5 chests in the Shop

37/45     1825   27700   Level up event legendary card to level 5

38/45     1900   29600   Find any 5 mythic cards

39/45     1975   31575   Spend 4000 pirate silver

40/45     2050   33625   Level up any mythic girls 2 times

41/45     2125   35750   Defeat mythic event monster once

42/45     2200   37950   Find 15 event mythic cards

43/45     2275   40225   Defeat any monsters in the Dungeon rooms 20 times

44/45     2350   42575   Defeat mythic event monster 10 times

45/45     2425   45000   Level up event mythic card to level 5

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Hahahaha This elephant boss is a complete joke.. the point of you guys is to make this game impossible to play.. how are we supposed to beat this boss with this attack damage? Are you fking serious?

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
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Exactly. Even If we had 1 000 000 life we couldn´t not beat him more then MAX 10 times. I with my 41 580 lifepoints can't beat him even the fifth time. But OK, I get it. I am not saying that I would will that it is changed, I just needed to make my point.


is it possible to use Libido Dust to boost your attack? If so, how do you even use that stuff?

Deleted 2 years ago

but I guess we all agree, that girls are beautiful! Respect to artist!

Deleted 2 years ago

agree, usually I'm not into redheads but this one is smoking hot! About powers, well i guess there is not much room for variability. Most importantly, why its light set? Cuz Earth definitely need   set with  'upgrade 1 lvl gem" passive perk.

Deleted 2 years ago
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I'm pretty sure there is a cheats somewhere, or hacks or whatever. Cuz if you calculate, it's hundreds of dollars. But to get whole set in first day you need way less. And that is 2d day of event, you can imagine numbers on last day.

Deleted 2 years ago
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If you want to make sure that's me then come to the Dirty League channel on Discord -

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes I did, I can afford it, so why not? I bought one lego pack and a 28k coins pack. Im an old player whose hit a wall with levelling up cards and i wanted more than 3  x10 pulls from the Mythic event chest. My money, my choice ;) 

Deleted 2 years ago
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As sad as playing a f2p game off the back of p2p players (How do the devs earn their money? It is a business you know) and then coming on here and calling p2p players sad? smh. 

Deleted 2 years ago
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There are many players like me. Some pay during single events, some pay during EVERY event......and they keep the game going. Without p2p players you wouldn't have the game you're playing?!??  Anyway Im  just gonna sit here, play DL and enjoy a nice cup of your tears.  

Deleted 2 years ago

You're welcome ;) ......... and exactly ;)

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
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I got into the DL/L0 after a month or so of playing without spending a penny. A few more weeks went by and I was still in the top 25.  After that I decided to spend a little and grow my collection as-well as giving a "contribution' as I liked the game so much. If you don't like that, well.......I really dont care lol
P.s. The only moron here is a f2p player coming on message boards moaning at a p2p player when the game the f2p player is playing is only there because of p2p players. smdh.


Nothing wrong with people paying to enjoy themselves. We all have hobbies that we spend money on...

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WOW! How much did you spend on this? You were determined to be number one at any cost apparently. At 18,000 silver for $99.99 and you had 260K silver, counting for what the quest s give you that still puts you spending over a $1,000.00! Is my math correct?


Not quite but it was a lot for one event 

Was it worth it

lol if they spent that type of money, that means it's worth it for them. $1,000 may seem a lot for us average joes but it's nothing for some wealthy people xD

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For 480 mythic points and winning my first event ever then yes ;) Only just though lol

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Obviously I'm playing, and yes, in the 2 monthly events where you get the new sets of girls I spend 40 euros to overcome the 2 steps where you have to get the silver pirates (and only here and nothing in the other events) ... and with that, the immense help of the objects obtained in the arena, a careful planning of the sequence of the quests, I can assure you that the first day you will get to unlock the mythical girl, stopping at step 42/45 where obviously to get 15 mythical event cards there it takes 24 hours. and obviously I don't care about the ranking, I am ONLY interested in getting the Mythical girl of each set.
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"...I can assure you that the first day you will get to unlock the mythical girl..."

surely Colosseum is a great help, but 1st day?  But, lets calculate:

quest  10    Find 125 event common cards - common CD 24min (25cards) =4 fights (1 free)= 1h40min, or 4  common dolls

quest 13    Defeat rare monsters in the Dungeon rooms 20 times - CD 50 min = 3 passes (1 free)  = 2h30m or 15 rare dolls

quest 15   Open any 3 chests in the Shop - (1 free)   2 keys or common chest CD 4 hours*2=8 hours

quest 17    Find 160 event rare cards - rare CD 48min (20 cards) - 7 fights (1 free) = 5h30m or 7rare dolls

quest 18    Defeat epic monsters in the Dungeon rooms 20 times - CD 1h30m = 3 passes (1free)=4h30m or 15 epic dolls

quest 22   Open any 4 chests in the Shop - (1 free) 3 keys or CD 4h*3=12hours

At that point, if you're new player and don't have Colosseum  boosters you need  1h40m+2h30m+8h+5h30m+4h30m+12h=34h10min. And you not even close to leg monster.

But even if you have Colosseum bonuses, you need at least 4 common dolls, 7 rare dolls,  15 epic dolls, 5 keys. Which is more then standard yield  from Colosseum or about the same if you minus Epic dolls.

What about #33 and #39?  A common chest only gives 25 pirate silver..

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yes, and opens in 1 hour, small green 50-2 hours large green  75 and 3 hours, etc. But chests from colosseum is also counts, so if you manage to get on quest 25 and 33 on 2 day, you'll pass that relatively easy. But again, for new player its almost impossible.

I'll stick with Dungeons and Dragons Online.  A far superior F2P experience.  I can always get porn online for free too.  Goodbye Dirty League...

in 2 weeks u can do 2 Colosseum, then u have all u need, and of course, i'll save epic/legendary/mythic chests in the tower for the event.... u can believe me or not, but that's it. ah, u know  in the dungeon EVERY monster count not only specific... yes? then, if u must do quest 18    Defeat epic monsters in the Dungeon rooms 20 times - CD 1h30m = 3 passes (1free)=4h30m or 15 epic dolls u need not 4:30 hours but 5 mins..... and NO ONE epic doll....

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obviously I do the same, and yes WITH help of Colosseum event its passable (still not in 1st day), but what can do  new player with Basic sets,  and maybe few Event set, up to Legendary cards? He can't pass Colosseum, just cuz he will is run out of cards somewhere in the middle (if lucky enough).

And no, if you need to beat Epic Dungeon monster, that means you need to beat Epic ones (5 of them), others not counts. You didn't know that?

Only very 1st quest of that type allows to beat ANY monster, others is rarity specific (Rare, Epic, Leg and finally Mythic (quest 43, with CD of 8 hours))

For quests 13, 18, 34, 43 where it says "Defeat any monsters in the (certain) Dungeon rooms", it was found out that ANY dungeon room worked for those quests. So if you had all dungeon rooms opened, you can fight once each room to make the 20 defeats.

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don't know what exploit you using guys, but I literally in this event  I defeated wrong type of monster by mistake, and its not counted. I'll check again when I reach next one.

PS: besides it doesn't change my point even if that bug\exploit exist.

It's a great game but 80 Euros a month is a bit steep.  I have suggested that during the events that all chests give pirate silver to make #33 (2000 pirate silver) and #39 (4000 pirate silver) a bit more achievable without spending cash...

Approximately how many Silver Coins can you possibly get if you clear all quests but do not spend any money?

I think more than 35k, just count the rewards in the Deercoffe post to which the ones guaranteed by the first four kills of the bosses must be added before the card is unlocked. Very rough calculation, sorry but I don't want to start doing the count now :)

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It's 45,000. There are 45 quests in total. If you google dirty league event there's a page with the quest details for pussy market and named events, but if you don't spend any money, you will not be able to complete all of the quests because the quests got ridiculous. You simply won't have the time to complete all the quests. It may be possible if you play this game 24/7 but that's not realistics.

Edit: If you scroll up, Deercoffee posts details of the quests and the cumulative silver coins that you can earn by completing the quests. After the last quest you will have 45,000 from completing all quests alone.


Spend that money! LOL Keep the game going!


Из 10 сундуков выпало одно говно ни одной новой карты в маркете тоже убрали, времени выбить мисту не хватает из-за заданий 23 часа блочат карты в колизее ,неужели вы блять такие ущербные что не можете сделать ивенты играбельными для всех ,ну если вы тупицы ебаные хотите так урвать бабла то хотя бы смените наборы в магазине а не предлагайте людям воздух а алмазы они спокойно могут купить в магазине что и выгоднее и дешевле, карты на хил для чего ? огненного дракона хер пройдеш на 950к хп тупо все упирается в это ебучее хп  с 34к это не реально  бксты говно полное на хп конечно же блять нет какое вам хп и главное с хуя ли такие цены а главное за что ?У вас акаунты золотые что ли ?

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago