Overall fun game.
- balance of skills felt a bit off. Barrier seemed really good and I wish the procedural generation made the other spells always appear a set distance away from the start. It felt like the success of a run really depended on how soon you picked up an extra spell so you could level it up earlier
- boss had some cool patterns, although a highly leveled barrier made it a little too easy
- Split shot seemed way more useful than the other 2 options.
- I liked the balance of stats; felt like each was simple yet had a distinct purpose. While the slowing-circle-summoning enemies were annoying with unavoidable damage, I appreciated that they incentivized the player to get a value point in armor
- Also, I think I saw the slowing-circle-summoning enemies have an extra hp bar on their knee or something like that
- A lot of fights felt won or lost based on your build rather than your micro
- I think it would be nice to have a short delay between dying and having the death prompt pop up so the player has a moment to think about what they've done.
Good demo and looking forwards to seeing more weapon/enemy/upgrade options. Music was good.