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When reaching the third test during the interview, she doesn't make any sounds or vibrate. I watched other YouTube videos of this same sequence and know what to do, but she doesn't react. 

The Milkamean interview?

You have to hover over where the intense vibration is coming from and then click where it is. Clicking anywhere else will trigger her jumpscare animation.

General rule of thumb: The vibrations always start at the forehead first (unless it’s been changed up or the pattern is randomized each playthrough).

That's the problem. There is no vibration for me. She's just completely still. 

Have you tried exiting out of the game and restarting it (as in restarting the night with no progress lost or resetting all the data)?

If the issue persists, you’ll have to have a word with the developer or the one in charge of support for the game. I’m just a fellow player of the game.