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A member registered Oct 26, 2021

Recent community posts

The devs will mostly get the final say on what the title of the third installment will be, but "The Third Meal" sounds like a good working title, not going to lie.

The gallery still hasn't been implemented into the game yet, but it will be in a new update/download at some point in time. When the gallery update is released, I am uncertain, but keep your eyes peeled.

According to one of the devs, the gallery function didn't work as they had hoped, which could possibly mean that there may have been a technical issue that prevented the gallery from becoming available at the time.

It will get added soon.

One of the developers mentioned on their most recent status post on DeviantArt that the gallery will be implemented at some point.

They say that the gallery functionality didn't work as they hoped and that an update for the gallery will be coming soon in a new download. When it is, I am not sure yet, but keep your eyes peeled.

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A lot of people have been asking about where the gallery was and why it didn't show up in the game several years ago and every time a question about it pops up (and I didn't necessarily have to do this on behalf of the developers or those involved with the project), I had to explain that it will take some time.

Well, for those wondering: The gallery update may come soon at some point in time.

According to Dr. Black Jack (one of the minds behind "Five Nights With Fatties" and "Second Course") in their most recent status update on DeviantArt, EightXL /Poppu (another one of the developers behind both games who you may have known previously as "EightFineCookies" or simply "Eight") has taken a bit of time to review the source code of "Second Course" in a bid to implement the missing gallery and it seemed at the time that there was an issue that resulted in the gallery not functioning properly.

Rest assured, we will finally get a chance to peruse the gallery after a long wait, but please have a bit of patience as trying to go through source code, fixing a couple issues, and adding new updates takes a while. Just keep your eyes peeled for any  updates that may come around.

And I think that's pretty much it.



It's underneath one of the desks on the fifth night.

No worries.

How to avoid each character:

Milkamean: Close the door on the left. If she gets into your office and starts to force feed you burgers, shine your flashlight into her eyes.

Suki: Close the door on your right. If she gets into your office and begins to pump you full of air, match the corresponding buttons on the machine from her exhibit that is normally used to deflate her balloon.

Paranoia: If the phone rings, answer it. If the ads pop up on the computer, close them. Failure in doing so will lead to Paranoia attempting to escape the computer. If she tries to get out, shine your flashlight on her and hold until she goes away.

Elina: If her spectral hands show up on screen, shine your flashlight on them and they will retract.

Cindy: If you hear her wings flapping, hurry to the door on the left and close it quickly.

Cruxia: Click on her when you spot a black and red mass or figure in either the foyer or in one of the gift shops. You only have one hour to find her before she reaches your office.

Hana: She will attempt to enter your office from either the right or left door. Regardless of which one it is, close them. If she crosses the barrier, quickly knock the tray of burgers out of her hand.

Achira: Close the door on your right. If she gets in the office, there’s no getting her out. She will remain in there for the rest of the night. In earlier versions of the game, she doesn’t kill you, just makes you fatter and easier for the others to catch. In later updates, she kills you after you look away and look back three to four times while the white barrier is onscreen. To keep her gaze at bay, shine your flashlight at her.

Crystal: If you see her in the vent, close it immediately.

Thorne: Check when her stream starts (Depending on the night and its run, it will start within one or two hours). When the stream starts, be sure to click the heart icon several times to keep her happy. If you don’t click the heart enough times or you don’t click at all, she’ll think you’re ignoring her on purpose and begin to place a technical difficulties screen on each camera until she reaches your office.

Emily: If you see her in the hallway on the right or left, close the door immediately. If you see her in the vent, close it immediately.

Nougat: Listen for the pillars on the left side of the door. If you see the pillars, close it immediately. You only have a couple seconds to react before they cross the barrier and Nougat herself doesn’t move until the pillars reach your office.

The secret character: Seeing as how they have a rare chance of spawning, you won’t encounter her much. The few times you do, she will sit on your desk and smother you with her breasts if you stay in the office too long. I think to avoid her, leave the office, though I am not a hundred percent certain.

Senator Lyko: She appears when the power goes out. If you’re close to 6 AM, wait until the clock hits 6 AM. If you’re nowhere near 6 AM or she and the RNG aren’t feeling merciful, you’re pretty much screwed.

A lot of people have been asking about that lately.

The reason why the gallery hasn’t been available yet is because everyone who has worked on the project (including Eight/Poppu) have been busy working on other projects or worrying about their affairs outside of both development for this series and/or whatever else they are working on on their socials at the time.

I get that a lot of people are itching for seeing all the artwork and hearing what the characters were saying within the game much like the gallery options for the first game, but updating certain aspects of a game to add some extra stuff takes quite a bit of time.

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Are you getting the phone call and instructions to turn on the flashlight, but the scenery is not showing up?

If that’s the case, it may likely be a cpu/system issue. A lot of people, myself included, have experienced an issue like this in the past. 

Sometimes depending on the system of the computer, issues like this may be bound to happen.

You’ll have to give one of the devs some information on the type of system the computer you’re using is and they can figure out how to resolve it when they get around to it.

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If you see an item out of the ordinary within one of the rooms, that’s where you’ll find the mini game.

If I recall a couple of the locations correctly:

* One of them is in Milkamean’s Room either on or near the drawer

* One of them is in the cafeteria under one of the tables

* One of them is in Suki’s classroom by one of the desks

* One of them is on or near Cruxia’s throne


*One of them is in between some of the Funko Pop like figurines in one of the gift shops

At some point in time, there will be.

However, considering that a lot of things have been happening in Eight’s life outside of the game’s development, the gallery has been locked for quite some time. 

Unless it was opened up in a recent update, there’s no way to tell for sure.

If you’d like, I can send a link to one of Eight’s journals/status updates from Deviantart or send an excerpt.

It takes a bit of time for her to appear in the right door. Just focus on keeping an eye out for the other characters and check on the right door occasionally. 

If you see Sandy peeking in, close the door.

There are several more sound cues when Sandy is moving about aside from the footsteps when she’s running toward the left door. You’ll know she’s nearby when you either hear the scurrying of the rats or Sandy eerily singing “Three Blind Mice”.

You spam the flickering of the flashlight until they go away.

It’s possible.

It just takes a lot of trial and error as well as learning the characters and their attack patterns from the previous nights and mastering the timing of when to do what while also trying your best to conserve as much power as possible.

Hm... Well, I'm not sure what the exact solution to that problem is.

I'd probably have a word with someone on the development team or working on the technical support of the game about that.

The only other working theory I can think of is that the issue may depend on which device you're playing the game on. If it's on a computer, sometimes the keys on the keypad can somewhat be context sensitive.

Not a glitch.

Either click on the option you want or hit “enter”.

You can only choose to “Fight” or “Act”.  “Spare” does nothing.

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The Cruxia mini game?

I tested out the the buttons you mentioned and they work just fine. In order for the options selected to function, you have to press the enter key or click  on the option you’re wanting to choose.

In this mini game, you can only fight Cruxia or look at her stats by pressing “Act”. The “Spare” option does nothing as it is scripted to fight Cruxia.

To summarize, it’s not a glitch. You just have to hit a different key aside from the “wasd” buttons or the arrow keys or click on the option you’re wanting to choose.

I apologize if this comment comes off as either harsh or rude, but when you say “make a cheat code”, that sounds as if you are asking for a feature to be added in the game.

This community post is meant to report on any bugs that players come across in the game so the developers can add any updates or patches to rectify the problem. One of the developers, Poppu, also stressed and clearly stated that this post is not meant to be used as a means to get a response of how the characters functioned or adding any features.

If you wanted a feature added, either create your own community post on the subject or provide it in the feedback post. 

Again, I apologize in advance if the comment comes off as harsh or rude, but this post isn’t the place to be asking for a cheat code to be implemented.

Not a developer, but I have played the game from start to finish. 

Cruxia’s artist is known as “HellHungers”.

Maybe not the main game, but with some of the difficulties in Custom Night (namely Second Course and Potluck), they start out quite difficult. It’s only after you’ve gotten caught so many times and practiced how the pattern of the characters worked that it became a little bit easier.

The only way to prevent Nougat from getting in is to close the door before her pillars have any chance of crossing the barrier.

Once she is inside the office, there is no getting her out.

No worries.

From what I hear, yes.

But do be patient. Projects like these take a lot of time considering you’ve got the whole structuring, the quality assurance and all that jazz.

No worries.

If you’re struggling with the wine part, you need to align the bottle with the glass and make sure that the wine is being poured into the glass. It’ll be a little bit awkward sometimes depending on whether you’re using a laptop keyboard or a computer mouse considering it requires you to pick up the bottle with one button, hold the other to rotate and then rotate it at just the right angle (though it can feel a bit awkward depending on the angle).

After that, all you have to do is refrain from signing the parchment that Cruxia shows in her hands until she disappears.

I’m sure given the number of submissions made and depending on the length of the attempts the people that have entered posted, it may take a bit of time.

We must also remember that the development teams and the members within them have their personal lives as well as other projects that they’re working on.

Ah, okay.

The first of August has come and passed.

If the announcement comes a little bit later than previously stated, we understand completely that you and the others are busy with other things at the time, but I just thought I’d let you know about the day of August 1st passing by.

In regards to the second part of fighting Cruxia in that mini game on Night 4 after you drain her health in the first phase (assuming if you managed to get through all the obstacles during that phase), it’s essentially a forced loss scenario. After she devours your weapon, the only thing you can do is plead for your life and pray that she is merciful (which she isn’t). She will then cast a soul expansion spell which will cause Mina to expand in size from the amount of damage done to her. You can continue to dodge the eyeballs if you want to during this stage, but the battle will only end once Mina’s at bursting point and her soul erupts from her body.

Yeah, I kind of agree that Cruxia’s interview was kind of hard to do with a keyboard trackpad considering that some people might be playing the game on a device which is like a tablet/laptop with a detachable keypad… But it could also be hard with a regular mouse considering that you have to hold one button down to hold up the wine bottle, hold down the other button to rotate the bottle, and then rotate the mouse at an absurd angle to make sure that the wine goes into the glass.

Achira may not kill you currently in the version of the game you’re playing, but she can in later patch updates, so she won’t be as merciful in those versions like she is in the current version.

I also kind of agree a bit on Emily. The pattern of Night 6 may be a little bit easier after a bit of trial and error, but the instances where she can instantly pop up in the hallways outside the office door in the later custom nights (such as second course and potluck) as you’re holding off other attackers or focusing on another task is utter bullcrap. It’s almost impossible to know when she moves in the hallways because you hear almost no footsteps until it is too late. And as for the tip that tells you to run away from her, that can somewhat be ignored because it’ll only do nothing more but mislead the player. Even if you do run away from her, it’s only a matter of time until she catches up leaving you no choice but to either let her eat you or hitting the escape key.

Cruxia is a much different case. 

You have to find her within each passing hour. Failure of finding her results in her being outside your door and several eyes surrounding you before she swallows you whole. 

Either before Thorne’s stream starts or after the sign pops up, find Cruxia and then get to Thorne’s stream and click on the heart several times to keep Thorne occupied. If you run out of time to get to Thorne’s stream, she’ll put up the technical difficulties screen on every camera like with how Paranoia corrupts the cameras in the first game when the Betamax tape runs out before appearing in the office and swallowing you whole. The only other saving grace of avoiding Thorne’s wrath when that happens is to go to the vent and hold it until Elina catches you or if you decide to quit the night by hitting the “escape” key and starting over.

Have you tried exiting out of the game and restarting it (as in restarting the night with no progress lost or resetting all the data)?

If the issue persists, you’ll have to have a word with the developer or the one in charge of support for the game. I’m just a fellow player of the game. 

This took me a while to do, but I did it.


You mean Thorne?

Yeah, she can eat up a lot of time and possibly quite a bit of battery power when you’re trying to keep her at bay. However, if you don’t keep an eye on her from time to time, she will keep getting angrier until she thinks you’re ignoring her on purpose and decides to leave the stream early to give you a piece of her mind.

I honestly have that same problem as well. I know Emily is outside the doors when I see her head looking over from the side, but I hear no footsteps whatsoever.

Cindy is pretty easy to deal with considering all you have to do is close the door when you hear the sounds of her wings flapping and then open the door when you think she is gone.

As for the others, the RNG can be pretty random and very difficult. Sometimes it is hard to get to the vent in time or not knowing of someone being in the vent until it is too late considering that it is very hard to differentiate between the footsteps Mina makes when going out the doors and the sound of either Crystal or Emily in the vent intermingle with one another (as in the sound of Mina’s footsteps is pretty loud and sometimes the vent movement is a little quiet at times as you’re busy with another task).

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So there was a little strange thing that happened as I was playing the “Potluck” difficulty. I was just playing through it normally, but then at some random interval as I was doing it, the computer information and time switched to the question marks which you’d usually see in the tutorial. I somehow ended up getting stuck in the office and I could not do anything aside from looking at the camera and checking the vent and I couldn’t move toward the doors on either side. The only solution to get out of this was to quit and start over.

Has anyone else experienced something like this during their playthrough of the game or am I the only one?

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You have to listen to the entire tape from start to finish. As the tape goes on, Crystal will become overexcited and you’ll need to rewind the tape until she goes back to the first phase of her interview animation. It’s like Milkamean’s interview but a little more lenient seeing as how you don’t have to listen for loud sounds and prodding her forehead or stomach. You just have to keep an eye on Crystal’s movements and excitement/arousal levels until the tape finishes.

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Hm, I see.

Update: I just beat it. You have to get $125 or above.