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Wow this is an incredible concept and idea!! Really goes with the GMTK theme in multiple ways!

It did take me a moment to understand, but then when I got what was going on with the rolling and gathering faces I thought it was ingenious. There's a lot that could be done with that idea, and you demonstrate a great possibility there. Also to add on, but the presentation for a game jam game I thought was great and sleek. It felt good to look at and play.

My only minor complaint is the end of the round when the score is taken. I didn't understand it my first go through so I was wondering why I only got 1 point, I thought it was going to add them all up, but I see that it rolls your dice to get the score. On one hand it makes sense and goes even more with the theme, but it is a bit annoying when like I had a seven, five, four... and then I got a one. It does counteract things like going straight for the 9 face, but it in the end leaves it wildly swinging to randomness which doesn't always feel the best. Perhaps for a full game the score could be the total plus a bonus roll to add those points on. Sorry for the writeup about this! Again super minor and the only thing I'd be able to nitpick about this great submission.

Anyways well done with this! I'm sure this could be expanded and built into a larger game if you so desired!!


Thanks for playing!

I kind of agree about the scoring, there is a lot left up to chance but with the right strategy the odds of a higher score can be increased! For example, it is possible to leave the starting area without ever collecting a 1 by picking up a 2 or 3 first each round, or you could collect a 1 to escape for the first round and use the same route on subsequent rounds. My original idea included multiple maps and different faces such as score multipliers, but those didn't fit within the scope for the jam.

For now, I guess you could say that getting a high score is just a roll of the dice :P.