Thank you for your comment! I feel like I get sucked into a self-critical spiral with my music so it’s always wild to hear that people like my music.
When it comes to sound design, as long as you know the basics, experimentation and getting your hands dirty will usually will go a long way. Even if the sounds you make are bad you are learning what doesn’t work (though honestly there can be a place for everything). A trick I use when making synths is to try to give each one its own unique character and purpose. It’s easy to get trapped in a loop of creating synths that sound the same if you aren’t careful. You can add character by subtly using white noise, slightly detuning oscillators, automation random parameters with an envelope or lfo, adding drastic effects with a low the mix knob turned low, and purposefully adding imperfections (bitcrusher with a low downsample and bit rate is good for this as well as ring modulation and FM and tape effects that change pitch). Also don’t underestimate low pass filters, they are great for adding subtle timbre changes and when modulated by a fast lfo 14-100 hz and a high filter resonance they can create a wet sounding texture. There’s much much more to it than that but that’s pretty much a general overview