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Pitch/Information: A short game of three battles where you build spells to heal your troops on the field. The better your accuracy the more the spells favor your troops, and the worse your accuracy the more the spell favors the enemy.

I'd like feedback on: Is it fun? Does it look alright? Do all the art elements seem to form a cohesive style?

I need help on: There were some bugs I saw during development, but nothing I could recreate consistently, so if anything pops up please let me know. Also, the balancing was very difficult for me. I wish I had more time and more people to playtest. I know it's a tough ask without going into details about how all the systems work, but any tips or feedback there would be great. Is it too hard? Too easy? Does it feel fair?

I've already had some very good constructive criticism here, and I would really appreciate some more!

This was my first game jam, and really my first game/project I actually finished. Doing all the artwork and coding was very stressful and I often thought I wouldn't finish, but overall I enjoyed it immensely. One of the most satisfying things I've ever done in my life :)

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I really like the idea, it's the first time I that play a game of this type.  I was a little confused about which spell tile did what, so maybe explaining that when the game starts would be great, or to make it more interesting, maybe adding at the top a combination of tiles to get a certain spell, something like this, just a random thought, overall, good job and cool mechanic :) 

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Awesome, thanks for checking it out and I really appreciate the feedback!

I agree that I need to do a better job of explaining or onboarding :) There's so much I would do differently if I had to redo it!


I gave it a few goes, It was hard, I lost the first round about 5 times. I didn't notice the health go up of any of the battlers but I managed to get a good run and managed to save all of them. So I guess they were being healed. Had to focus on that little rune bar pretty hard.

The only bug I noticed was that the runes sometimes overlapped but nothing game breaking 

It was fun, it was hard though and I'd probably suggest making the first level a little easier or a little slower maybe and build up to speed.

Art wise it was good, and the effect of stuffing up the runes is good. Seemed cohesive to me

Awesome thanks! Some very good points. The first level could definitely be easier. I think I took the difficulty for granted because I had gotten pretty good after playing a bazillion times :P

Also, yeah, they do heal, but it's such a small part of their overall health that you don't really see it. I was aware of it during the jam but wasn't really sure how to fix it, but I think I might have an idea of how I could make it clearer.

Thanks again for you thoughts and time!