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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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I love you too....

This is dope. Not sure how you would go about the controls but a mobile port would be awesome!

Amazing! A better western than RDR2.

I love it, wishlisted for sure. Any plans for a mobile release?

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Awesome job! And I really enjoyed your devlog during the jam as well.

I really love the style, absolutely nailed it. That first enemy's spinning attack is so dope. I think the movement speed is fine, not sure if it needs to be faster, but the jump feels very floaty. But, that being said the platforming feels great and pretty accurate, so maybe it's just me.

Another thing is maybe more feedback when losing health? I looked up at one stage and saw I only had one health left, and I hadn't thought I lost anything (I think I might have lost health falling when trying to get the powerups, or maybe the saw blade hit me?).

I've only done the first character, but will definitely try to go all the way through!

Oh, one more thing, some of the sounds are awful, but in a REALLY good way, if that makes sense. I love it!

Awesome thanks! Some very good points. The first level could definitely be easier. I think I took the difficulty for granted because I had gotten pretty good after playing a bazillion times :P

Also, yeah, they do heal, but it's such a small part of their overall health that you don't really see it. I was aware of it during the jam but wasn't really sure how to fix it, but I think I might have an idea of how I could make it clearer.

Thanks again for you thoughts and time!

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Awesome, thanks for checking it out and I really appreciate the feedback!

I agree that I need to do a better job of explaining or onboarding :) There's so much I would do differently if I had to redo it!

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Very cool idea! I love the look and how snappy the jump feels! It was a little jarring at first, but it feels really good. The plants growing looks especially good. Good job!

I've only played a short bit, but will definitely try to go all the way through!

I like it! The little dude you control is very cool. I really wish he was animated. The puzzle are quite simple, but there's a nice difficulty curve with introducing the new mechanics. I made a silly mistake on one puzzle and got stuck, I wish there was a restart stage option (Unless I missed it somehow).

Good job!


Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: A short game of three battles where you build spells to heal your troops on the field. The better your accuracy the more the spells favor your troops, and the worse your accuracy the more the spell favors the enemy.

I'd like feedback on: Is it fun? Does it look alright? Do all the art elements seem to form a cohesive style?

I need help on: There were some bugs I saw during development, but nothing I could recreate consistently, so if anything pops up please let me know. Also, the balancing was very difficult for me. I wish I had more time and more people to playtest. I know it's a tough ask without going into details about how all the systems work, but any tips or feedback there would be great. Is it too hard? Too easy? Does it feel fair?

I've already had some very good constructive criticism here, and I would really appreciate some more!

This was my first game jam, and really my first game/project I actually finished. Doing all the artwork and coding was very stressful and I often thought I wouldn't finish, but overall I enjoyed it immensely. One of the most satisfying things I've ever done in my life :)

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Welp... It's done, or as done as it's going to get.

And I am done. This was very hard... I will do a proper post mortem tomorrow perhaps...

Looking Good!

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What a thorough description of an awesome idea! I'm also starting to doubt if I'll finish in time, but I'm gonna do my best :)

You can do it! Really looking forward to seeing more, it's looking great already.

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And here is a quick screenshot of the game in action. Some elements are still placeholder art, hopefully, I will get time to polish....

All art by me, except the awesome map icons, those are Kenny's. Really wanted to make some myself, just didn't have time.

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All right! As I mentioned I am starting to feel the time slipping away, so haven't spent any time updating this log, but here is something small:

Title Screen for Field Magic. If I have some time I'd like to fine-tune it a bit, but generally happy with how it looks. 

How is everybody doing? And feeling?

I'm really starting to worry about whether I will be able to finish in time!

I knew this would be hard but man, there is just SO MUCH to do.

I'm learning tons, but yeah, would still love to finish in time :)

Awesome, thanks for the kind words and offer. My brother is actually helping me with music for this one, but I've checked out your reel and it's really great. I hope we get a chance to collaborate in the future!

Thanks! I'm holding thumbs that it'll come together :D

Here is a quick picture of the main wizard character:

Ok, so I've been pretty bad with keeping a devlog, but all the awesome logs here got me inspired to at least put something down :)

So, as soon as the Theme was announced my girlfriend and I started brainstorming. I wanted to do something relatively easy, as I am doing all the artwork and programming, and also, my goal is to actually finish this thing in time... Hopefully, this will be my first finished game/project since I started trying to learn game dev with any kind of seriousness.


The idea we came up with is a simple game where you play as a wizard. You are watching a map/representation of a battle going on. The battle rages independently of the player, with friendly units and enemy units fighting each other. As the field medic (magician) your job is to cast spells to heal your troops. The actual casting will take the form of a small mini-game. Think hacking in Bioshock and you should have a pretty good idea.

Depending on the quality/accuracy of your spell you might heal only your troops, only the enemy troops. You might heal your troops a little, and the enemy a lot. You might heal the enemy a little and your troops a lot. And so on :)

So far I have spent Waaaaaay too much time on the artwork, but the programming is also coming along.

I am starting to get a bit nervous about timing, but I am still sure we'll get it done!

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself? 

Hi! My name is CharlieMcGruff!

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining? 

Nope, this is my very first jam... I'm joining to try and up my skills (Gamedev and Artwork), and it is also something my girlfriend and I are doing together (We love thinking up silly game ideas)

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own? 

This is a very broad question! I would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite, but I love everything from Uncharted to Red Dead, Salt and Sanctuary to Super Meat Boy, AAA's and Indies (Even though I am actively trying to play more indies lately).

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine? 

I have very little experience. I started learning Construct a month or so ago, and I am trying to practice and learn everyday.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about! 

Video games of course! And I am also a passionate hiker and love the outdoors, exploring new things and just life in general!

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

Honestly, just to finish something. Ever since started learning Construct I have so many projects I am actively working on, but I have not finished anything. I want to use this opportunity to make something small and focused and actually finish it!