I saw that you're working on becoming a game designer, here's all the things that I thought about your game :
-The screen of "how to play" could be a screenshot
-I thought 123 was 123 damages, got what was happening after 2 fights
-That's nice that we have different opponents
-The pokemon inspiration is obvious but nice :D
-Having written "click to roll" on the enemy turn is weird for the player
-It's lacking all the animation of fight
-Too long transition between the turns, I want to click to speed everything up
-The choices are a bit too obvious, you usually know in a seconde what to play
-Nice to have the choice to add more dice in your deck/strategy wise
-I'd like to know all my dices
That's my observations but you obviously can't do EVERYTHING during the jam, and when I play a game made by one developer, I'm not asking to not have anything weird happening, I just wrote everything, because you asked for it :p.
So when I voted I didn't focus on all the small bad things, we all know what it is to dev a game in 48h haha. It's a nice little game that you can be proud of!
Fun thing is, my game has a similar concept as yours (and it has some flaws too obv), I think it may interest you to test it, it's two completely different games, but the battle dice mechanism, and the enemy have the same tools as you.
Anyway, congrats!