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To be honest I didn't quite understand how the game mechanics worked, I ended up just placing dices randomly and not really understanding the numbers significance. It was also confusing when one dashed and ended up in the air over the spikes and not dying.

That's fair the mechanics aren't very typical and because I only had 1 play tester (myself) I thought the mechanics were intuitive to grasp guess not though. I'll try to make more in depth tutorials that take into account everything in the future. I'll explain the mechanics here in case anyone who is interested wants to know. So, the number on the dice indicates how far you will go. So, if you have a dice with 6 on it and then if you use it on the "Move" ability then you will go 6 spaces either to the left or right (depending on which slot you put the dice in, the left or the right slot). The "Dash" ability will move you half the amount on the dice rounded down. So, if you have a dice with 5 on it you will go (5/2 = 2.5 rounded down is 2) you will go 2 spaces either to the left or right. Also if you put a 1 into the "Dash" ability then you won't move at all since 1/2 is 0.5 which if you round down is 0. The "Jump" ability is like a "Dash" upwards and then in either direction you choose (left or right). If there is an abstuction in the way your ability won't work at all. So, if you try to move 4 units but, there's a tile 3 units ahead then your ability won't move you at all. Another thing is that you only fall when you use up all of your dice and you can only die if you fall on a spike. When writen out like this it sounds kind of complicated but, well, I guess it is a bit complicated. (hope this helps)