I adore this game. It’s so simple but damn addicting. While many of these jump-and-run-survival-games are very reactive and only challenge your speed (which doesn’t have to be a bad thing), this one gives you all the information you need. Also the challenges go well with each other so it never feels unfair even if you get bad rolls.
Sounddesign and visuals SLAP. It’s great. I was happy the moment I saw the title screen and heard the music.
One problem I have though: The main mechanic of the text preempting the stuff that’s going to happen is not readable if you’re further into the game and stuff is flying your way. I don’t know if you could phrase it better for new players, but one obvious change would be highlighting the changable factors (like: “ *2* Daggers are going to stab ye’ to death now”). A little colorchange or something will make it easer to understand it when you’re running and jumping for your life.
Still, I love it. It’s a perfect gamejam game. Well flippin’ done!