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A member registered Jan 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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I think its hilarious that you used vaccuums - it seems so random but also really fun.

The basic concept is simple and fun but i think it makes it hard to build interesting levels without more addons to the concept. Having to collect the dust and being able to bump into other vaccuums was a good addition, but to create really compelling levels it needed a bit more than that I think. Obviously it’s a Jam and time is really limited, so I fully understand why that’s not always possible.

I had lots of fun anyway! Some little things you did, like the grid on the ground that reacts to your hover, are also just a great attention to detail and understanding the players needs.

Well done!

Super fun little story-experience, I enjoyed myself quite a lot playing it! I’m impressed that you managed to really make this into a full game with story-cutscenes, a lot of polish even in the little things (like f.e. the menu or the end-scene with CU-T3 flying around) and even a final boss! I also really liked the story you told.

One thing though: If you can’t be really really sure the game is bug-free (which you can never in a Jam), include a reset-level button. It’s not too much work and especially with no way to skip the intro cutscene, it is quite annoying to sit through it all again. I had the bug that CU-T3 just went flying somewhere else while transforming into a platform.

Overall great game though, well done!

Super fun game! Well done! I liked the gameplay a lot because programming felt really quick and on-the-fly once you got used to the feeling of it.

I was not a big fan of the fact that you could be really handholdy and just program super simple commands whenever you wanted because that trivialized the gameplay a bit. Maybe including new enviornmental features where you need to preprogram G.A.L.E. so she manages to get through some parts of the level on her own would be a fun idea.

Other than that everything is absolutely wonderful. Especially the visuals and animations where spot on. Also having a cute little story in a Jam-Game is always a great suprise.

Well done!

(2 edits)

Absolutely incredible entry. The game is damn snappy, the concept is unbelievably simple but so much fun because you tweaked everything just right. Also the attention to detail in the wiggly fonts, the screen transitions and the fading speed-particles is phenomenal. It’s a coherent style like any artist would develop over time.

Two things that I still wanna point out:

  • I never used the shot-prediction. Not because I didn’t want to (it’d have been of great help in the later levels, which seemingly were designed around it), but just because I forgot it. It’s just one lil text that tells you the controls for it right at the start when you soak up all the other information to play the game. Because it is not instantly relevant, it falls behind. If you include the tutorial just a level later (the rightclick can still be active in the first level - just don’t explain it yet), the player had time to acclimate to the game and learn more information about it.

  • I loved going fast because it wasn’t just lame old boring “fast”, it was blazingly fast. Absolutely incredible. But I still would have liked something that made the balls speed relevant. Some moving obstacles like in the Donkey-Kong-country barrel sections or similar. Right now going fast (or slow for that matter) lost its value because it wasn’t connected to a skill the game tried to test.

Buuut that is super nitpicky, so don’t mind me. Phenomenally well done!

I really like the vibe and the different uses the cards have (the explosion card can spawn the destroyed leg on a button and destroys spikes but also sets you into the injured-state). You really need to “weight” the different effects the cards and plan accordingly. Good job!

But! I think this game would be greatly improved by some kind of tutorial that gives you an idea of what the cards might be capable of. I was only able to figure it out with a lot of trial and error which is worsened by how long it takes for the robot to reach the first obstacle.

Still, well done!

(2 edits)

The feeling is just great! I love the way the level-transitions work (even when you fail). It just adds a huge amount of charm to it. The sound really adds to that as well. Gameplaywise it’s nothing special but a good gamejam idea that has quite a bit of pre-planning and maths involved. This would probably be a great timekiller! Also I like that you always make the level-total transparent. It helps the player understand the scope and way too few games do that imo!

Well done!

Super well made! This game looks clean af with the color scheme, the menu and everything else. The gameplay is simple and very unique and it’s obvious that you designed it very sensibly and understood the struggles of the player (for example the black tiles).

Well done!

Super cute looks, super fun idea! I think the concept you were going for is very interesting and creative, while also looking really well! Unfortunately I think the game needed more time in the feel-good-oven. For the most part it feels like you are fighting the controls rather than fighting the enemies. Having them slow you down is a nice idea but it also take the wind out of the sails. There is a great game in this concept and this is a really nice try to capture it, but I think how the gameplay is brought to the player would need to be readressed if you’d want to continue iterating on the idea.

Still, you did a nice job with this one!

Damn, super fun looks! I think your presentation is really well done with the fog, post processing and general aesthetic. Well done! The little 2D-sprites fit better than i would have expected and the lil death animations work nicely too.

Well done!

The look really is outstanding, good job on that! The Game Master felt threatening and the dice-roll animation really works too. Other than that I believe the gameplay is too basic to be a lot of fun. You end up only buttonmashing on whatever pops up on screen and that’s obviously not really interactive. If you can combine these look and feel (the hand is great too) with a better gameplay-loop, you can do something really really nice.

Well done!

The design is really nice! The little spider is delightful and the sound design really sells it too! Gameplaywise I felt like I had little agency to the point that I think that I just didn’t get it? While it is fun to shoot the dice and have them bounce around, the gameplay desires just the opposite with not too many options to predict the outcome and I find that a little weird.

Anyways, I enjoyed myself so well done!

The vibe goes really hard. It was a great choice to include these audioclips, they add so much to the general aesthetic. The look of the menu is soooo good too, it’s really perfectly selling what you’re going for

Well done!

This is a really great concept! Even though not everything is obviously explained, I was able to grasp the jist of it pretty quickly. The way you need to choose carefully between strenghening your future turns and scheming is really good, especially because scheming can have negative outcomes that you need to play around.

The whole concept felt really on brand with “preparing for a heist”. I honestly think that (with some significant changes) this core gameplay-loop could be an actual full-blown production game, or at least a core part of it. Great idea, well executed. Good job!

Super fun little idea! I really felt the oldschool tabletop-vibe! I also loved that you presented the spells you would get at any position you’d move to. That really reduced tedium and make the game focus on what mattered.

Well done!

Super nice game! It took me a second to understand what was going but once I got it, it was a great experience! My core gameplay loop was throwing out the exploding dice and trying to get them back to the tower asap. I lost at the last wave but that was absolutely fine because I felt like there was a lot more depth that I could’ve jumped into.

Well done!

The presentation is really nice! I like the checkerbox-colored tiles and how the menu is very interactive. The gameplay is simple but the little twists help a lot!

Well done!

The music is a great choice! It really makes you keep going. The rest of the game is really polished too and the menu-transitions are smooooth. I would have liked some more indicators that help you make me understand the die from more sides, but other than that this game is really well done!

Nice work!

The game feels amazing. The movement, the particles, the effects, the post processing and tones more come together for a great experience. There’s so much good stuff going on here and it comes together to a game that you just wanna play again and again. Great work!

You know you made some cash when it’s being displayed exponentially c:

Really cool game! Great visuals and sound for sure and super creative! It really puts you into the vibe. It gets stale quite quickly but that’s totally okay for a jam game.

Well done!

This game is actually really fun! Some small things that I love are how the menu works. Always a great idea to have an interactive menu like that. Other than that it was extremely suprising to me how fun it was to just jump around shoot and especially just kick enemies into the lava. Having collision enabled was a really really great idea and it’s so much fun to zoom around and kick some dudes.

Great work!

I am actually speechless. The idea of having a big multiplayer world for a game jam is so god darn good. It’s not my type of genre so I won’t find too much fun in playing the game itself, but this is 5/5 nonetheless for the absolutely wonderful idea while somehow making this an actual functional game in 48 hours. You have my most sincere respect!

This was a lot of fun! Far more than i first expected from the concept. Having to remember what you picked up and planning a route for it was quite challenging and the levels played with that concept well. The platforming itself was unfortunately pretty frustrating at times - didn’t bring the game down though!

Overall, nice work!

Super fun until you break your fingers. The game looks very cute and bubbly but is secretly quite evil! On the one hand i think its quite wacky and charming that you gotta reach over your whole keyboard, on the other hand it’s really hard to keep up. Maybe you could learn to be proficient in it, but I think i would lose the fun before i manage.

It’s awesome to play 2-3 Rounds of it and try to see how far you come, but after that the concept gets a bit stale. But it doesn’t have to be more than that, it’s still a game jam and wacky games are awesome!

Overall, well done!

This game is super awesome! You presented such a great idea in an interesting and espechially charming way. The humor is great too. This game is a package that just works and puts a big smile on my face.

Well done!

nice. Thanks for the example :P

Super duper fun bossfighter! The looks are great and I love every time you hit and it says BAM. It’s just so extremely charming.

The weapons themselves are really interesting and unique too, while the bow stood above the rest because it changed gameplay in such an interesting way!

Great game, really well done!

The presentation is super unique and fun and the gameplay is extremely polished. I love the way you have a slight recoil when shooting. Everything feels snappy and responsive too. The swap-mechanic is a very interesting concept too and a smart way to include randomness.

Overall that’s a really well done game, good job!

I was refering to the 3 Seconds and damn! But yeah, if you scope out the route I see how that would work. I would have loved to see the NOPE too tho :P

This game has tons of charisma! The way the card animates, to the little intro sequence with the talking NPCS, the gosh darn Menu on the game-station-screen. It just fits so nicely and does not feel rushed at all.

The gameplay is super fun too, going from room to room is really helping the gameplay to stay fresh.

Well done!

Super fun little game! DnD (Dices and Dices of course) is always a win and I love the storyline you built for the lil’ Bard-Die!

The gameplay was also fun and I kinda like that you can instantly go to the endboss, alone and helpless. It’s a fun touch.

well done!

The game looks absolutely jaw-dropping and conveys a really nice vibe! Unfortunately I couldn’t get the command-window to work consistently so I can’t really play the game in an enjoyable way so I wont comment on that.

Still, great idea and presentation, well done!

Super cool presentation! I love that you can customise your character a little and that the NPCs have really funny dialog. I never got called maidenless by a d20 before, but here we are!

I got lost on the way though and didn’t know where to go after the third (?) NPC. Maybe add some more direction to that!

But nonetheless really well done, good job!

Wow, the presentation is sooo great! The little slow-Mo when you attack and roll the 2D-Pixel-dice makes me feel reeeeal good everytime. The animations are super smooth and the characterisation of the protagonist is simple but super effective.

I love it, well done!

Obviously the last levels were not finished. That didn’t feel complete, but I just ignored it because y’know - it’s a game jam c:

The presentation is awesome and the way the screen rotates is super duper smooth. Gives it a really nice aesthetic! It’s quite difficult I think (i believe the time-goal is broken, right?), but the little touches like the skins make this game feel really complete.

Well done!

This game goes HARD! The music just slaps and the artdirection is… something else. The gameplay gets a little repetitive at times but then the hairdresser comes up and he’s the greatest and gives you a cool change. I love it!

Very well done!

This game has sooo much more depth than I first expected it to have. The way the 4s just keep on coming or how you can endlessly do 2 -> 3 -> 5 keep things really interesting and you start to notice patterns. The levels seem simple but there’s a lot more behind them once you get to know them. One complaint I have is, that it’s annoying that you can not see all parts of the dice. Maybe have an indicator somewhere that gives you more information. It’s not hard to figure out but it still slows the game down for me.

Still, great game! Well done!

Super fun little game! It looks really nice (I love the little chip-stacks as enemies. That’s just really smart!) and is very responsive! I would have wished to see the dice-mechanic more often or have a little more survivabilty (hp maybe?). That could also just me being bad though!

Overall, really well done!

This is such an incredibly unique take on the theme! Shooting the holes into the soon-to-be dice is a great idea. The part where you shoot down the opponents dice is a good way to keep the gameplay fresh.

Nice work!

Super fun game! The Sound and Visual Design is really awesome - for the gameplay I would have loved some way to prevent spamming the dice, but other than that it’s simple fun. Well done!