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I have not yet rated the game as I am struggling to play. I've literally pressed every button on my keyboard but the "This mad Alchemist" message will not go away. I was trying to play behind it but was just confused. Even at full screen I couldn't read the buttons in the bottom left hand corner, I could only see the tops. The game looks beautiful but I unfortunately can't play


There Is a next tip button at the right top corner of the game. You should also check your Windows screen settings, where the scale option should be set to 100%.

We would be glad, if you give it a another try And leave the rating!


Thank you! That did it! My screen was at 250x, which is what windows recommended it to be. Before I couldn't see the 'next tip' or anything but the nail of 'next turn'. A really fun board game with lots of strategy both short and long term. I liked all of the various things that needed to be balanced like radiation and toxicity. A very fun experience all around!