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This type of game and its writing are so perfect for a short streamer playthrough so I hope you get Mark to play this live at some point. I think I was laughing for the first 3 minutes I was playing because of your PNG graphics and meme culture (the music adds so much charm). Genuinely my only complaint is the way that you incorporated the main theme of rolling dice and how there isn't too much player agency. Offering the multiple choices felt so nice and offered depth that other games can't show for so I wish there was more of that. I was hoping for a final boss fight where you have to avoid shanks as you are preparing to roll the dice, but that's what sequels are for amirite? Thank you for the laughs and I'm looking forward to your next game if it is anything like this one. 


I've loved all of the funny comments so far but I really appreciate you providing some constructive criticism here.

I definitely wish I had more time to introduce more dialog options / choices, even the text for those choices. And I also originally wanted the final "boss" to be more involved, potentially have a gun or something. And I think avoiding shanks during rolling, to add some progression to the rolling portion of the game is a great idea, and would prevent it from being just the same situation multiple times. Really great ideas here, and glad you had some laughs with it!

If Markiplier actually ends up playing this game I will know for sure this is all just a simulation. Your mere proposal of that idea makes me giddy. Fingers crossed!