Hey pretty nice game you got here! I'll admit I'm not a huge puzzle gamer, but this did have a good concept!
I like the idea of placing the right die depending on the circumstance, so either you move or use it to plug up a hole or do other things. Also at worst I was confused why I got the same dice rolls each time... but then I realized that'd be really annoying if the dice were randomized, because then you might at times not be able to complete the puzzle! The one odd thing about this though, is why did we have to reroll the dice if they're the same each time? Was it just for thematic purposed? Nothing wrong with it! Just a thought I had.
Two very minor nitpicks, the first ice level (which I was stuck on for an embarrassing amount of time) I was confused because I though the fire would melt the ice and let me pass through, but it wasn't working. It was only when I eventually tried the ice block on it that I realized it was water to be frozen (to be fair to you your instructions did mention you could freeze/unfreeze water). It didn't really look like water though. Perhaps a way to make it look more watery? Also extremely minor and not much of an issue, but the font got me to misread some things. Like when you first are at the key level, it says something about red key, but at first I thought it said "hey" and my mind went to "hay" (I think I'm tired lol) so I was looking for some red hay for a few seconds!! That's extremely miniscule though, just thought I'd mention it.
Overall though very excellent game!! Well done for all your hard work on it!!