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(1 edit)

I really like this one.  I think that dice have a lot of symbolic potential that most games in this jam haven't really tried to take advantage of, but you guys really went for it.  I have a bunch of unanswered questions still.  Is the point supposed to be that we know fighting fate is futile, but we do it anyway? I'm not sure that entirely fits, but it's the best reading I've come up with so far.

Gameplay-wise, I didn't really feel in control, although it still felt like there was something I could do better (during my second playthrough I did much better than random chance).  I guess that's the intended emotional response?

Anyways, great entry.


Yeah, feeling not-in-control is definitely intended. It should be a somewhat stressful and hopeless experience. I believe that playing “good” makes the game less fun actually - it’s a bit of a conundrum for which I did not find a good solution in time.

Storywise this game has quite a lot metaphorical depth of course, but I got to be honest here and say that most of it developed during the process of making the game and is therefore not as clear-cut or clean as it could have been (which doesn’t always have to be a bad thing, but in this case it’s a bit confusing).

I actually personally went away from the idea of “fate” and more in the direction of random chance. Being hit by a drunk driver was a tragedy, but it always was random chance. It wasn’t fate. Though, gameplay-wise you are trying to change fate during your dicerolls and when you are talking about chance, there should be multiple outcomes to the game. That’s a result of the timelimit I had making this and also the process of creating. I didn’t start with a metaphor, rather I started with a scenario and went from there.

Thinking about it, I think your interpretation fits better, but it’s a mix of the two which makes it a little unsatisfying. If I’d ever follow up on the game, I’ll take this into account.

Sorry for the unsatisfying answer, but thank you a lot for playing the game, the kind words and the deep thoughts!