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Very catchy, lovely animations, and a huge amount of potential in the core systems.

However, be careful with the following:

- stacked multipliers are ridiculously powerful, resulting in hundreds or thousands of gems, endless healing, and even a game freeze upon high numbers

- turtle play where you're just farming shields/healing and money

- insta-wins with stacked multipliers and AoE


Oh, hey Aly!

Thank you for playing and for your feedback! Yup... Stacked multipliers were supposed to be pretty powerful, but I accidentally made them extremely stackable and even freezing if you have three x3/x4s lined up with a fourth die. This will be the first thing to get fixed after the jam voting period! :)

Some strategies are indeed a lot better than others. For now I don't really mind turtle play or OP multipliers, as long as the player is having fun. If this were to be fleshed out more into a bigger game, there'd probably have to be a different way of getting faces and no infinite choice at the shop, a bit more like Slay the Spire, I think. Though I'm not sure yet if I'll develop it further. We'll see!

Thanks again, I appreciate it a lot!