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Interesting idea!  I haven't played anything else like this for the jam where you have two dice and you need to customize both of them.  

If you were to continue working on the game where's what I might suggest...

-I didn't really realize the impact of customizing the dice until I started playing and could see how it worked.  It might make sense to throw the player right in and defeat a simple enemy to learn what's going on and then be able to customize their dice.

-I think my character was the card and the enemies changed?  It wasn't really clear, I think some depth of field on the camera to blur out the background a bit may have helped.  Some really simple attack or damaged animations would help too.

-On the main screen I'm not sure what's a button and what's UI, everything has a really similar boarder.  The color schemes as to what's a button, and what's UI don't seem to have any correlation


thank you so much for your feedback. I'm sure that it's going to come in handy either in this project or the next.


Definitely some great feedback here! I agree with all of that, if I could restart the project I'd try to:

  • Integrate dice customization directly into the game loop instead of making it optional. Ideally with a game this short you'd want to update your dice after every battle anyway. And specifically adding a tutorial enemy that teaches the player customizing to fight a specific enemy
  • Add more polish and conveyance on the player character and attacks so you can tell who you are and who is winning the fight
  • Get someone more specialized in UI art to do that work! lol
  • We wanted an ability card system where you'd be able to choose a modifier before each battle but we didn't have time

Thank you for playing the game and providing feedback!