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A member registered Feb 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yo, I saw someone else say wizard gang and I love that! I like your take on the different scaling spells and the level design seems really cool. I got stuck on the third level with the horizontal scaling after dying quite a few times to the red attack from off screen, I had to stop for my own sanity. That being said I think this is really neat and original!

(2 edits)

Accidentally left a comment for another game on this one at first (oops!) Just played it as part of the wizard gang! (feel free to check out and rate my team's wizard game). I have to say, your mechanics successfully created a lot of tension while I was playing. I was constantly on edge trying to make it to the next spot in time before something bad happened. I also really like how many things in the environment could be scaled, I thought that was really cool and something we didn't get to do in our game enough. I've got a couple of points of feedback since the page says the game is still in development:

- With movement being this important the movement really needs to be nailed. I'm sure with more time you'd have gotten to it but the typical good feeling and predictable jump arcs, coyote time, animations representing the state the player is in, etc. We actually didn't juice our character enough either. 

- The icons of the runes the player has access to are super important game information, imo they should be in the same spot on the screen in every level, probably in a UI element somewhere. There were times where the timers were off screen for me and it was really hard to know how much time I had left. Even when I could see them it was hard to platform and look at them at the same time. My other suggestion would be to place an icon next to the player when a rune is activated that shows how much time is left on it. 

Overall I think the mood, style, level design, and mechanic were all very cool, great work!

I got 475 points! As other's have probably mentioned, the juice on this game is insane. Shooting, reloading, the sound and visuals - all polished wonderfully. I may not have gotten far enough to see more but I would have loved other ways if interacting with "scale" as the game went on. Additionally one note is that it was hard to tell I was moving at first so I died right at the start on my first run. Very fun though! Please feel free to check out and rate my game, I'd love to get your opinion on it!

Wonderful idea to scale through dimensions. I fell off of the third level but I was really vibing with the visuals! Your game is the first I've seen with this concept so congrats! Also, I'd love it if you checked out my game as well

A fellow mancer game! My team made Micromancer which has a similar mage/wizard theme and is a puzzle platformer, I'd encourage you to check it out.

I definitely like the shooting mechanic of sizing objects, I saw another game do that but this way was much less punishing and added an additional puzzle element of bouncing the and aiming the shots. I also want to compliment your programming and physics, nothing got wonky like in our game! The puzzle design was also pretty great and the game was a perfect bite size. I'd have definitely played more!

My high score was 534! It starts getting super hectic and I was working to pay attention to everything at once. The pacing is pretty good and the idea of a shadow scaling is one of the most creative I've seen yet. And of course the intro was super cute and sad and well executed.

Great job! I'd love it if you checked out my game as well!

I got 30 souls! I barely made it through with a sliver of health left. The cutscene at the beginning was super ambitious but you all nailed it. The mood was great and I felt the souls inspiration. The boss design was also great. I would have loved to have more direct feedback when hitting and getting hit by enemies, and the sprint may have been too overpowered, my strategy was to sprint away then turn around and fight the enemies. 

Overall great presentation and game! If you have time I'd love for your team to check out my game as well!

That was definitely an interesting one! I was able to get to 21 churches founded (which I think I'm proud of for my first attempt). There is a lovely balance that as you scale larger it is harder and harder to maintain - that push and pull is really important. I would have loved to see ways to balance it out in the players favor as the kingdom scaled. It was particularly punishing that as I got more churches my dude in each section was out of sync and any of them I wasn't paying attention to would get stuck in a corner. 

Overall I think this may be the most original game I've seen so far, good work! I'd also love it if your team would check out and rate my game as well!

Thanks for the feedback! That's all really useful and affirms some theories I have seeing some of our other feedback

Hello! I loved the creativity here. The arrow mechanic was cool (albeit punishing) way to infuse skill and resource management into the mechanic of swapping weight. I think that with some somewhat small tunings this would have been a really smooth play. You could consider:

- Making the movement faster and tighter to control (I knew what I had to do at times but had trouble executing)

- Improve how easy it is to see why type of arrow you have equipped 

Hello! I'm from the Micromancer team, our games are pretty similar! I think that scroll wheel on hover is a great idea, I wonder if we could have utilized that. I think click and drag was a genius level idea, I wish we had thought of that!

I was able to be the game , the level design was pretty good and the mechanic progression was great. What I had the most trouble with was noticing the blocks and figuring out what they did. I spent like  3 minutes on the last level and didn't notice the other block but once I did everything clicked! It's so funny how our mechanics and theming were so similar. Great minds think alike!

Definitely a tough game! 

I was having a hard time getting the blocks moved out of the way in time not to mess up the structure I was creating. I was only able to pass 1 section (got 360 points). Once I realized the shape didn't need to be perfectly filled that helped but still had a hard time getting things moves in time. 

The idea was cool, the style was neat and really creative, I loved the error block lmao. Overall I think with a little tuning this could be a super fun game. Please check out and rate my game if you can!

It was absolutely sick that you could buy components and just place them on your mech wherever you want. You made my ultimate mech dream come true! 

That being said I think I bugged something out, my gun wouldn't shoot and no enemies spawned on level 1. On level 2 I just got swarmed and couldn't do anything other than move around. 

Still though, my mind was blown by the customization and the animations and models were great!

Feel free to check my game out if you can, I'd love to get more eyes on it

Hey there! 

I only tried the WebGL build and maybe that was a mistake. The tutorial videos didn't load for me and the performance was pretty rough. That being said the controls were surprisingly intuitive and the visuals were also cool. I wish it ran better on web!

We'll take a look at that bug, thanks for checking it out!

You've definitely got something great here. We had a similar idea for growing a tree and scaling it but it wouldn't have been as strong as this execution. The loop is satisfying, the style and vibes great, overall very well done! I'd love it if your team checked out my game and rated it as well!

Great idea! I thought the intro was very funny and I had fun franticly running around trying to pick up the fruit. You nailed the frenetic feeling I think you were going for. I've got a couple of suggestions:

- As Kestrad mentioned, having a button to pick up fruit instead of the mouse probably would have felt better

- The timer to pick up fruit would have been more visible near the fruit or the player

The watermelon on the Godot loading screen was a great touch. Feel free to check out my game, I'd love your opinion and rating!  

I found this surprisingly meditative, good job! Some quick notes:

- Snapping blocks would have been a great addition

- I start piling blocks on the board to "save" them so I could see what pieces I was working with. There wasn't really a downside to this that I could see

- My pieces kept getting stuck since I could only bring them from the right side

- Being able to choose a time limit would have been nice! I think 2 - 5 minutes for a game like this would work well otherwise players may not stick around to the end. 

I loved the music and the use of "scales" literally! I got into the groove with jumping over the dams, at one point I tried bunny hopping and it only slowed me down, I think advanced movement tech would have been a really fun add. Overall great project! Feel free to rate mine as well! 

Hello! Was there any music in this, that would have made the vibing much cooler. I enjoyed clicking around a bit but I think the visuals are where this really shines. The art style nailed the old pre-rendered cutscenes and backgrounds of older games. I'm actually interested in how you achieved that? 

As others have said there isn't much to it but I'm interested in what you do next! Feel free to check out my game btw

(1 edit)

Very interesting! The music is great and I love the vibes in general. I'm not sure how it fits the theme, maybe something about the human being built? But I can't figure out scale. It was also hard to look at the left and right side at the same time

Please check out my team's game if you get the chance!

Hey there! Thanks for the comment. To produce income with towers you need to click on the larger tower to swap it from attack mode to mining mode, then it will produce coal for you!

Presentation is amazing, rated quickly for the jam and will play more later. Good work!

Rated quickly, good job finishing, I'll need to play this more later!

Played fast time running out Great idea combining puzzle and combat! First game I've seen like that max creativity points. Make this a full game!

Great presentation and the DOOM music was hilarious. It had a cohesive theme and was a pretty great project overall. It was hard to tell when I had to manually reroll and when I was out of ammo because I was mostly focused on combat

It would have been interesting to have the game auto roll for you but maybe if you're paying attention you could try to stop the roll on a number you want, almost like active reload in Gears of War. Super cool project! Anyway, if you have time in the next 4 minutes please check out and rate my game LOL

Great presentation and wonderful idea implementing the leaderboard as a way to get some replay-ability out of the game. I had some trouble being able to swap my dice number so I think I missed out on a lot of gameplay elements and even with that I still had fun trying multiple times to try to make the leaderboards which is a great sign. The art and music were great and overall an awesome project!

Yours is only the second game I've seen that projects what your dice will land on if you roll, for that alone you get a lot of points! Well done on executing the idea really well

(1 edit)

Combining dice and the classic matching game was genius. Adding the leaderboard was the icing on the cake, I'm competitive so I ended up playing like 5 times (I got on the leaderboards). You kept the scope small and polished what you had, very well done!

If you have time in the next 2 hours please check out and rate my game lol

Interesting game, I didn't fully understand what was happening and it seemed like I could just keep rolling where ever I wanted. I really really liked the dice indicator on the left, I think way more games need something like that. 

Fun game, congrats on finishing the jam! If you have a couple mins please check out and rate my game!

Cool game! It took me a second to understand why I was moving so much but once I understood that and mouse look things became clear. I really enjoyed the art style of the dice, great work!

If you have a few minutes please check out and rate my game!

Great concept of moving the dice up and down, that gives flexibility in the systems and allows for choices to be made rather than just using the strongest attack you can. The presentation was awesome, the music and art great.

It took me a little bit to find the attack button and sometimes I wished I didn't have to move a dice so far up for it to go up. I also don't really know how to deal with getting constantly cursed.

Very good game, if you have time in the next 20 minutes please check out and rate my game

That was as literal as you can get! It was surprisingly fun though, through is some progression (different stages, dice skins, other types of dice), and add motion controls and release this on mobile for a fun little project! Overall very fun

Check out my game if you have time!

I had trouble getting past the second level since I would walk right onto the spikes but couldn't time the jump. Overall it was very polished and well put together

Check out my game if you have time!

Interesting game, I had a problem where I got into a stuck state in round 2 and couldn't deal any damage even when rolling a 6 on the attack roll. Although that could have been my fault if I misunderstood something. Nice UI and sound effects and solid game design ideas!

That was cool! I think using the mouse to attack and roll would wave made it easier to play, otherwise you've got a solidly polished game here

If the challenge of moving the objects is done well I could see it working but it seems like a tough challenge!

I tried again, I am only able to do so the first time then unable to do it again.

Nice visuals and music! Good use of the theme, unfortunately I didn't seem to be able to raise or lower the bet amount. Either that or I was doing something wrong. In any case, well done!

If you have time please check out and rate my game as well!

Great visuals and music! The idea was super creative and has a lot of potential! 

I ended up mostly spamming as many pieces as I could to give myself the best chance of survival. There we many different piece types to remember between the ones I could place and the enemies. It might have been useful to see a preview of the direction enemies/my pieces took. Either that or having similar visuals between like moving pieces so I could better make the right decision with a quick glance. 

The rolling mechanic was a bit cumbersome to move my mouse to the top of the screen to try to make sure I click every time, it would have been nice to have that auto roll for me for one less thing to focus on. Then you could show a preview of the piece I have next on the board with its cooldown as well.

The angle of the board itself would mess with my spatial perception and it was sometimes hard to guess where my pieces would go. 

Overall incredibly impressive, visually and mechanically. I appreciated the Neuromancer quotes when I lost. Good work!