Thanks for the detailed feedback, appreciate it!
The freezing bug was odd, I did make it so turns would end even if there was no enemies, odd that it froze.
I agree that the difficulty is too low for some players that are used to strategy games, but for a game jam I find it better to have it that way so everyone can complete it. (There are people that find the game challenging)
The enemy AI is very basic, something I plan on fixing in an upcoming rougelike remake of the game. (Enemies retreating and forming groups, proper pathfinding e.t.c.) so I completely agree with you there.
A lot of people are requesting hotkeys and such, so it is definitely one of the first things I will add when I continue development.
I did try having camera panning in the game, but as you are saying, it was too nauseating and distracting, even making it harder to drag your dice where you wanted them.
I would have loved to add more effects and juice, but instead I priotized things like rigging the dice in your favour to make moving far distances less frustrating. I simply didn't have the time, as the just the art took a large chunk of my time because it takes time for me to get the pixel art right.
Thanks for taking your time to write such an in depth post!