Haha yeah, I guess the "hot seat" is a bit of a blast from the past. As both a term and a play mode as well.
For the tutorial, I really intentionally went very minimal this time as the main mechanics are so simple. The player is bound to notice the options they have, pass and clear come up in text form as soon as you get the ball and movement squares are highlighted too. With a little bit of experimentation those everyone should find how to do those. And most likely even before that, you've already witnessed one round of enemy giving you an example. The base "if attack value > defender -> ko" mechanic can of course be not immediately understood either but shouldn't take too long.
And yeah, losing in it is of course very possible and I don't even think that unlikely. All it really takes is one majorly awful throw for your team and then the enemy not having that bad luck. And of course if you derp around learning the mechanics, the enemy will have even more of a chance for that. 😅 At least there is pretty much zero impact on losing, especially if it happens quick and not from a long drawn out battle.
Don't think level select would really bring anything to it on the current state. But of course if I were to continue developing it further. Well depending on what route I took it of course. Right now I'm mostly thinking of the roguelite route where you can acquire new skills that change up the functionalities and dice interactions and make interesting combos etc and you see how far you can take your team. But of course that way needs a good amount of thought on how to do it so that the RNG doesn't screw you too hard.
Thanks for the feedback! ❤️